Thursday, January 25, 2007

Supplies List for New Techniques Class

Hi. Here is the supplies list for the Knitting Beyond the Basics -- New Techniques Class starting February 1. The first project will be an English cottage tea cozy. This materials list is for that project only.

Yarn: Cascade 220, one skein each of either Color#8407 and #4011 or #9403 and #7821.
Needles: Size 10.5 circular needles, 24 inch. Size 10.5 double point needles. Size 8 double point or straight needles (correction this should be circular needles).
Assorted colors of embroidery floss or perle cotton for flowers on the cottage.
Needle for embroidery.
Optional: Felting needle and assorted colors of wool roving.

A second class looks likely since there is a long waiting list. It will be on Tuesday evenings starting 2/6; the room is still being determined.

Extension 3 Last Sweater Class Photos

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Extension 2 Sweater Class

Hi. This is the second extension class. Georgia and Ans modeled their sweaters this evening; they are beautiful and fit well. Next week will be the last extension class. The new class starting Feb. 1 is already full; however, Linda might consider a second class since there are many on the waiting list. Let's hope so.

Some of you expressed interest in the patterns I used for the bottom border and the sleeves of my sweater. Attached are a photo of my sweater and the patterns from Creative Knitting Magazine. And, here is the information for subscribing to the magazine. The online address is or the phone number is (800) 829-5865. It comes out every other month and costs $19.97 per year.

Bottom border (from Garter Ridge Cardi, Creative Knitting Magazine, May 2006)
Slip-Stitch Mesh (even number of sts)
Row 1 (RS): Purl across
Row 2: Knit across
Row 3: K2, *sl 1 wyib, k1; rep from * across
Row 4: *K1, sl 1 wyif; rep from * to last 2 sts, end k2
Row 5: K1, *yo, k2tog; rep from * to last st, end k1
Row 6: Purl across
Rep Rows 1-6 for pat.

Sleeves (from In My Denims, Creative Knitting Magazine, Jan 2007)
Odd number of sts
Rows 1-14: Beg with a RS row, work in St st
Row 15: Knit across
Rows 16, 18, and 19: Knit across
Row 17: *K2 tog, yo; rep from * to last st, end k1
Row 20: Purl across
Rep Rows 1-20 until desired length

See you next week. P.S. to Vicki, please contact me about a job,