Friday, November 20, 2009

Hip 2B Sq, 11

Linda finished her shrug and weaved in all the ends, inside and out!

Laurie made this beautiful nuno felted silk scarf in a class at the Tin Thimble.

Two patterns were handed out this week: knitted Christmas ornaments and the toe up socks. The Toe Up pattern came from this book.

The benefits of the Toe Up socks are you do not have to use the Kitchener stitch and a short row heel makes a nicer fit. Linda demonstrated the Closed Toe CO 2 on pg 13 for the Basic Toe Up Socks, paying particular attention to the right and left slants. This CO makes a smooth toe edge. She also reviewed the kitchener stitch for anyone interested.

Three measurements are needed for making the Toe Up socks:
1) Circumference around the foot just below the base of the little toe.
2) Widest part of the foot.
3) Length of the foot.

During the Thanksgiving break, work on the first part of the Toe Up socks. Linda will cover the short rows on Dec 3. She explained that we should make the sock 1/2 inch narrower/smaller than the actual size. For example, if your foot measures 7-1/4 inches, then you will use the measurement for 6-3/4 inches.

There is no class next week for Thanksgiving break. We will be back on Dec 3, the last class of the 1st trimester.
The 2d trimester begins on Dec 10 with more complicated square patterns, the beaded pouch, and moebius knitting.
The octopus/jellyfish challenge is due on Dec 10.
The knitted Christmas ornament exchange has been changed from Dec 3 to Dec 17.
The Chrismas party will be held on Dec 17 with a potluck. No gift exchange.

Linda announced that she is teaching a non crafting class on Jan 10 with Placer School for Adults (PSA) on Tues eveing for 6 weeks. Students will try basket making, lace making, weaving, etc.

Cathy is also teaching two classes with PSA in the new year: Making Chocolate Cake 12 Ways and Winning at the Fair. She has been judging food at the fair for some time, and her class will be in April for one night each.

Greetings from Linda L
Linda L writes: "We are enjoying a real Alaskan winter with beautiful fresh snow and below freezing temperatures. This morning it was - 2 on the outside thermometer. We are staying cozy and warm inside. I miss our knitting class, please tell everyone "Hi". I have been to a knitting store to buy yarn and I made another newsboy hat in mulberry pink to match my jacket. Here's my photos: snow knitting and my new hat. Our baby granddaughter was born last night. She was 7 lbs. 15 oz. and they named her Claire Linda Leman. She is so adorable."

Diane used the potholder pattern to make this cute felted purse.

She also made the nice socks and mouse.

Cathy made this pretty triangle scarf using short rows.

Bea made this gorgeous sweater for her niece.

This little vest made by Louise is oh so cute.

Cute little booties by Sandy

Irene and Mary Jane met this couple in a LYS in So Lake Tahoe. He is knitting this kimono jacket for his wife. This is the first knitting project he has ever made, and it's been in process for about 2 years. There are three different sizes of mitre squares all made with Koigu yarn. Also he is the creator of the knitting programs on iphone.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hip 2 B Sq, 10

This week Linda went over the heel of the sock showing us how to turn the heel. There are two corrections to the sock pattern under “Turn heel.”
Row 3 should be Sl 1, P across to TWO STITCHES before…
Row 4 should be, Sl 1, K across TWO STITCHES before…

Next Week
We will go over almost all the sock pattern including the Kitchener stitch.

We will also receive the Toe Up sock pattern which calls for a short row heel instead of a flap heel. Bring regular sock yarn, appropriate needles, tape measure, and a ruler. We will be taking off our shoes for measurement.

The patterns for the Christmas knit ornaments will also be given to us next week so we can work on them during the Thanksgiving break.

There will be no class on Thanksgiving Day. Our last class for the first trimester will be Dec 3. I think our Christmas knit ornament to swap is due that day. Also, don’t forget about our octopus/jellyfish challenge that was mentioned earlier.

The second trimester will begin on Dec 10, and we will meet on Dec 17. There will be a two-week break in December for the holidays, and we will resume the first Thursday in January.

Other News
Teri was the winner of the random drawing for the two pumpkin beads. Congratulations!

Jesse made these beautiful felted potholders and bear.

Sandy finished another pair of cute slippers and a basket.

Nora knitted this lovely mitered purse with cable handle.

She added cute lining fabric and an insert to the handle for support.

Cynthia is going to felt this huge slipper for her brother. Compare it to the adult and baby size socks.

Kathy's gorgeous finished projects: a felted modular purse and BSJ.

Beautiful dyed yarn by Georgia; she even added labels.

Diane's beautiful yarn dyed with food coloring.

Pat knitted this pretty scarf and sock.

Knit on!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Hip 2B Sq, 9

Happy Birthday to November knitters!

Isn't this beautiful? Diana did a great job on this Felted Incomplete Scarf. It is going to be a gift. This photo does not do it justice.

Darling! Janine knitted this darling alligator scarf for her nephew. Her granddaughter already told her that she wants one in purple.

Food Color Dye
We had an enjoyable time learning how to dye yarn with food colors in the ARD kitchen. Vickie is an excellent teacher.

Linda L. showing Bea the latest fashion in aprons.

Dying yarn is fun, and the results even better.

This Week's Project: Socks

Linda went over the sock pattern with us. Our homework assignment is to knit the cuff and stop there. We will go over the heel next week. For the cuff, knit in the round and use a 1x1 ribbing pattern (k1,p1). The cuff can be either 12 rows or 24 rows for a turn down cuff. Do not be creative as the pattern indicates for this practice piece.

During the Nov 19 class, we will start a toe up sock. You will need to bring dpns, a tape measure, and a ruler. We can use real sock yarn for this project. When purchasing sock yarn, check that the skein can make a pair of socks and not just one sock. 100 grams usually makes a pair of socks. Warning: someone will be measuring your feet that night without shoes.

We will also get a pattern for pedi socks which are toeless socks to show off your pedicure and toe rings.

Ornament Exchange
There are only 3 more sessions left this trimester. We will be having an ornament exchange on Dec 3 for anyone interested in participating. Linda will give us some Christmas ornament patterns to knit next week.

Other News
The 2010 knitting calendars have arrived at Costco in the book section. There are over 100 patterns in the box, and the paper is better and heavier. The cost is $8.59 plus tax.

Diane's daughter is having a 50% sale on clothes and accessories at Secondhand Boutique in Roseville this weekend. The items are either new or almost new and manufactured within the last 3 years. Her website can be found under "Our Web Sites" on the left of this blog; click on "Diane's daughter" for information.

Linda L will be absent for a month. She is going to fly to Anchorage for the birth of her grandchild. Have a wonderful time.

For the Thanksgiving season, I have 2 little pumpkin beads (size of a button) to give away. Put a comment in this blog or email me, and I will enter your name in a random drawing. The drawing will take place on Wednesday at 5 pm.

Hats! Hat season will soon be upon us. Here's a few.
Pat finished one of our projects, the mitered square flower cap, for a child. She turned the ends up like petals, and it is pretty.

Have you heard of faux Fair Isle? That's what this nice pattern is called. Laurie found this pattern on the Knitting Daily website.

Louise finds the cutest children's hat patterns and yarn. Here's another one of her cute hats.

Happy Knitting!