Happy Thanksgiving!
These notes were taken from classes taught by Linda Pietz that I attended. Sadly, all photos from the year 2006 to 2012 were accidentally deleted and not retrievable.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Purse Class with Lorna Miser
As you all know from the email we received this past weekend, there was a last minute purse class with Lorna Miser at Linda's beautiful home. It was a good class with six in attendance. I'm glad I learned to "fuse" my knitting since I don't have a working sewing machine for lining and adding accessories. I think our heads are spinning with ideas, and we will be sure to share our finished projects with the class on Dec. 2. Here are a few photos. Please check the last blog for items to bring to the next class or check under "Pages," Materials for Dec 2.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Color Techniques Wk 10
We had a very special night with our guest speaker, Lorna Miser, a well known knitting designer. She brought samples from her book on color techniques using hand dyed and variegated yarn and gave us really good tips. We were all inspired.
Linda is introducing Lorna.

Lorna is explaining to us why she chose a certain shawl pattern for this yarn called Lorna's purple mustang. This shawl pattern is free on her website, lornamiserdesigns.com. She is also having a free giveaway on Thanksgiving Day from her blog, lornamiser.blogspot.com. It will be 3 skeins of yarn and a pattern.

We are waiting in line to purchase and have her sign one of two knitting books she has written.

Lorna was very curious about our squares. So, of course, she had to be sworn in.

Charity and Christmas Projects
We need more big and little squares! Vickie needs over 70 little squares for Jake's gift. I think Karen needs over 30 big squares, for the charity project. It was decided that we will present both gifts on the last day of class (our Christmas party), Dec 9. Needle sizes and patterns are written in previous blogs. Look in the archive in the lefthand column.
Linda showed us a sample of the scarf and yarn that we will be making for Ernie. She decided on red yarn with a basketweave design scarf.
Bus to Stitches West
Sign ups for the bus ride to Stitches West will start on Dec 2. The date is Feb 19, Sat. We will depart behind Raley's in Auburn on Lincoln Way at 7 am. We must be there by 6:30 am. Tickets are $45, and your check will not be cashed until Feb 1. There will be a special project on the bus and door prizes. Donations are being accepted.
For the Next Class
Instead of working on the knit one below technique at this time, Linda will bring in new patterns on Dec 2. Please bring 4 worsted weight yarn of different colors and size 8 needles.
She is thinking about giving us a Christmas project too. And, two weeks from tonight, our yarn for the finger puppets should arrive. That project is not due until May 1.
A sign up list for the Christmas party potluck on Dec 9 will be going around during the next class.
Show n' Tell
Take a look at Karen's notebook. It is well organized, labelled, and she can glimpse at all of the color swatches easily. It is better than the photo.

Bonnie made a scarf from the 3-color pattern Linda gave us.

Cheryl's mosaic horses in two colors.

Bekah's prancing horse.

Rosemary knitted this baby sweater.

Pat's marigold dyed yarn, and little knit hats for the handmade doll.

Penny's second sampler scarf.

Linda L made this hat with flower.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Take time to knit.
Linda is introducing Lorna.

Lorna is explaining to us why she chose a certain shawl pattern for this yarn called Lorna's purple mustang. This shawl pattern is free on her website, lornamiserdesigns.com. She is also having a free giveaway on Thanksgiving Day from her blog, lornamiser.blogspot.com. It will be 3 skeins of yarn and a pattern.

We are waiting in line to purchase and have her sign one of two knitting books she has written.

Lorna was very curious about our squares. So, of course, she had to be sworn in.

Charity and Christmas Projects
We need more big and little squares! Vickie needs over 70 little squares for Jake's gift. I think Karen needs over 30 big squares, for the charity project. It was decided that we will present both gifts on the last day of class (our Christmas party), Dec 9. Needle sizes and patterns are written in previous blogs. Look in the archive in the lefthand column.
Linda showed us a sample of the scarf and yarn that we will be making for Ernie. She decided on red yarn with a basketweave design scarf.
Bus to Stitches West
Sign ups for the bus ride to Stitches West will start on Dec 2. The date is Feb 19, Sat. We will depart behind Raley's in Auburn on Lincoln Way at 7 am. We must be there by 6:30 am. Tickets are $45, and your check will not be cashed until Feb 1. There will be a special project on the bus and door prizes. Donations are being accepted.
For the Next Class
Instead of working on the knit one below technique at this time, Linda will bring in new patterns on Dec 2. Please bring 4 worsted weight yarn of different colors and size 8 needles.
She is thinking about giving us a Christmas project too. And, two weeks from tonight, our yarn for the finger puppets should arrive. That project is not due until May 1.
A sign up list for the Christmas party potluck on Dec 9 will be going around during the next class.
Show n' Tell
Take a look at Karen's notebook. It is well organized, labelled, and she can glimpse at all of the color swatches easily. It is better than the photo.

Bonnie made a scarf from the 3-color pattern Linda gave us.

Cheryl's mosaic horses in two colors.

Bekah's prancing horse.

Rosemary knitted this baby sweater.

Pat's marigold dyed yarn, and little knit hats for the handmade doll.

Penny's second sampler scarf.

Linda L made this hat with flower.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Take time to knit.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Color Techniques Wk 9
It was Veteran's Day, a holiday for many, yet we had a good gathering.
We dyed yarn with Marigold blossoms which turned white yarn into a pretty butter yellow. Claudia also brought Cosmos seeds to dye yarn with which turns into a pretty peach color.

Spaghetti! Not! Marigold dyed yarn. Depending on the yarn, the colors varied.

Linda also gave us a handout with two patterns for color knitting: Two-Tone Lattice (CO 20 sts) and Three-and-One Stitch (CO 19 sts).
Many of the knitters worked on squares for our charity knitting project. Karen is already crocheting the pieces together.

Bea is sworn in to work on this project.

Guest Speaker Next Week
Lorna Miser is our guest speaker next week. We will have Show 'n Tell at 6 pm, and Lorna will speak from 6:30 pm. Her book on dyed and variegated yarn is about $22, and we found out that she also carries a line of sock yarn. (11/16: Correction--She no longer sells yarn. See Teri's comment.) Don't miss this opportunity to hear her speak; she is very knowledgeable about color knitting.
Charity Project and Gifts to Make
Besides working on the squares for the charity project, it was suggested by Vickie that we make a throw for Jake, the kind, hard-working custodian. The instructions are as follows:
One strand (4 ply) of worsted weight acrylic yarn of a manly color. No girly colors.
Size 8 needles
Cast on 20 stitches
Row 1 Knit across
Rows 2 through 40 - Slip the 1st stitch knitwise, knit across until the last stitch, purl the last stitch.
Bind off. Work in the ends.
We would like each person to make 2 or 3 squares by next week since there will only be two sessions left after Thanksgiving break. Vickie will stitch the squares together over the break.
We also talked about the scarf for Ernie, our Stitches West bus driver. A cable pattern was passed around as a suggestion; a scarf from squares was also suggested. Color and pattern are still undecided. We will start on it in January.
Christmas Party
There are only three sessions left for this semester. A potluck sign up list will be passed around next week for our Christmas party. We will have a gift exchange with a value of $10 if you would like to participate.
Finger Puppets
Karen shared that a box from Bev Mo fits two hand stands with finger puppets nicely. There are seven stands left. Linda will order the yarn this week.
Linda's birthday present, the white board, is up. She wrote Yeah! Thank you Knotty Knitters.

Pat made this mosaic bag a few years back in Linda's first mosaic class.

Karen made the mosaic cats and more Christmas ornaments.

Louise made the two hats below. One is a mosaic design.

Bea had fun making this ruffle scarf that Diana shared with us a while ago. She suggests increasing on the edge instead of on the inside for a better look.

Bea recommends this issue of "Knitters" magazine. It is a double issue for only $6.

Happy Knitting!
We dyed yarn with Marigold blossoms which turned white yarn into a pretty butter yellow. Claudia also brought Cosmos seeds to dye yarn with which turns into a pretty peach color.

Spaghetti! Not! Marigold dyed yarn. Depending on the yarn, the colors varied.

Linda also gave us a handout with two patterns for color knitting: Two-Tone Lattice (CO 20 sts) and Three-and-One Stitch (CO 19 sts).
Many of the knitters worked on squares for our charity knitting project. Karen is already crocheting the pieces together.

Bea is sworn in to work on this project.

Guest Speaker Next Week
Lorna Miser is our guest speaker next week. We will have Show 'n Tell at 6 pm, and Lorna will speak from 6:30 pm. Her book on dyed and variegated yarn is about $22, and we found out that she also carries a line of sock yarn. (11/16: Correction--She no longer sells yarn. See Teri's comment.) Don't miss this opportunity to hear her speak; she is very knowledgeable about color knitting.
Charity Project and Gifts to Make
Besides working on the squares for the charity project, it was suggested by Vickie that we make a throw for Jake, the kind, hard-working custodian. The instructions are as follows:
One strand (4 ply) of worsted weight acrylic yarn of a manly color. No girly colors.
Size 8 needles
Cast on 20 stitches
Row 1 Knit across
Rows 2 through 40 - Slip the 1st stitch knitwise, knit across until the last stitch, purl the last stitch.
Bind off. Work in the ends.
We would like each person to make 2 or 3 squares by next week since there will only be two sessions left after Thanksgiving break. Vickie will stitch the squares together over the break.
We also talked about the scarf for Ernie, our Stitches West bus driver. A cable pattern was passed around as a suggestion; a scarf from squares was also suggested. Color and pattern are still undecided. We will start on it in January.
Christmas Party
There are only three sessions left for this semester. A potluck sign up list will be passed around next week for our Christmas party. We will have a gift exchange with a value of $10 if you would like to participate.
Finger Puppets
Karen shared that a box from Bev Mo fits two hand stands with finger puppets nicely. There are seven stands left. Linda will order the yarn this week.
Linda's birthday present, the white board, is up. She wrote Yeah! Thank you Knotty Knitters.

Pat made this mosaic bag a few years back in Linda's first mosaic class.

Karen made the mosaic cats and more Christmas ornaments.

Louise made the two hats below. One is a mosaic design.

Bea had fun making this ruffle scarf that Diana shared with us a while ago. She suggests increasing on the edge instead of on the inside for a better look.

Bea recommends this issue of "Knitters" magazine. It is a double issue for only $6.

Happy Knitting!
Friday, November 05, 2010
Color Techniques Wk 8
Happy Birthday November Knitters!
Linda demonstrated Mosaic knitting once again and gave us graph paper to make our own mosaic designs. Teri shared an article from Vogue on yarn bombing around the world.
We also learned how to make a hank using a knitty knoddy. Hanks are made to prevent tangling and keeping yarn from overlapping. This is especially good for dying yarn. When using a knitty knoddy, keep yarn in front of you. Turn top and bottom ends in opposite directions. Do not overlap yarn. Do not pull too hard on the yarn. Tie yarn in eight places: 2 on top ends, 2 on bottom ends, 1 in the four middle areas. Weave the string in the middle areas, not in a knot.
Next Week
For those interested, we will be dying yarn with dried Marigolds. Prepare your yarn ahead of time by presoaking the yarn for at least 30 minutes in cold water before arriving to class. You can throw in a tsp of alum and cream of tartar if you have them. Bring your wet yarn in a plastic bag. Also bring an extra plastic bag to take home your dyed yarn; it will be wet. Vickie and Karen will bring a hot pot/plate, and Louise will bring an extra pot.
If you are not dying yarn, you can work on the mosaic knitting, new color samples that Linda will give us next week, finger puppets, or the charity project.
Charity Project
Linda and her husband took measurements for our charity project. The pattern is to use size 17 needles, knit squares by casting on 20 stitches, knit 40 rows of garter stitch with two strands of acrylic worsted weight yarn together.
Guest Speaker
On Nov 18, Knitting Designer, Author, and past president of the Sacramento Camellia Stockinettes, Lorna Miser, will be our guest speaker. She will be showing us samples from her new book on color and varigated yarns which will be out on the market next week. Her first book is called Faith, Hope, Love Knitting. You may be able to purchase a signed copy in class.
Thanksgiving Break
There is no class on Nov 25 for Thanksgiving. Two more sessions left after break. We will finish with Knit One Below, and start shadow knitting on Jan 6.
Christmas Party
Our Christmas party will be on Dec 9. We will have a potluck and a gift exchange with a value of $10 or less and something that is knit related.
Stitches West 2011
Linda has already secured a bus for Stitches West 2011. We got Ernie! The road trip is Sat, Feb 19. The cost is $45. No refunds after Feb 1. Tickets will be sold starting Dec 1. There will be a fun project on the bus. Donations will be accepted for door prizes. If you are interested in going on Friday and spending the night, contact Linda Leman.
Show 'n Tell
Claudia shared that Grocery Outlet has food color on sale for $1.99 a box.
Vickie is getting ready for the holidays by making a felted basket and pin cushions.

Irene turned her mosaic knitting into gift cards and a post card. She also completed a sheep she started a year ago.

Louise made some hats for the holidays.

Karen made several Christmas ornaments and stuffed animals.

Brit knitted this sweater!

Lynette made a hat with Noro yarn.

Diana made this felted purse from squares. She will add rosettes to it.

Diana took a class at the Tin Thimble on Nuno felting. She made this beautiful scarf.

Teri's mosaic needle case.

Pat's scarf using two needle sizes.

Bekah's diagonal scarf.

Cheryl's gloves.

Laurie made this baby blanket and hat with a cotton blend.

Bonnie is making baby pants for someone special.

Live, Laugh, Knit!
Linda demonstrated Mosaic knitting once again and gave us graph paper to make our own mosaic designs. Teri shared an article from Vogue on yarn bombing around the world.
We also learned how to make a hank using a knitty knoddy. Hanks are made to prevent tangling and keeping yarn from overlapping. This is especially good for dying yarn. When using a knitty knoddy, keep yarn in front of you. Turn top and bottom ends in opposite directions. Do not overlap yarn. Do not pull too hard on the yarn. Tie yarn in eight places: 2 on top ends, 2 on bottom ends, 1 in the four middle areas. Weave the string in the middle areas, not in a knot.
Next Week
For those interested, we will be dying yarn with dried Marigolds. Prepare your yarn ahead of time by presoaking the yarn for at least 30 minutes in cold water before arriving to class. You can throw in a tsp of alum and cream of tartar if you have them. Bring your wet yarn in a plastic bag. Also bring an extra plastic bag to take home your dyed yarn; it will be wet. Vickie and Karen will bring a hot pot/plate, and Louise will bring an extra pot.
If you are not dying yarn, you can work on the mosaic knitting, new color samples that Linda will give us next week, finger puppets, or the charity project.
Charity Project
Linda and her husband took measurements for our charity project. The pattern is to use size 17 needles, knit squares by casting on 20 stitches, knit 40 rows of garter stitch with two strands of acrylic worsted weight yarn together.
Guest Speaker
On Nov 18, Knitting Designer, Author, and past president of the Sacramento Camellia Stockinettes, Lorna Miser, will be our guest speaker. She will be showing us samples from her new book on color and varigated yarns which will be out on the market next week. Her first book is called Faith, Hope, Love Knitting. You may be able to purchase a signed copy in class.
Thanksgiving Break
There is no class on Nov 25 for Thanksgiving. Two more sessions left after break. We will finish with Knit One Below, and start shadow knitting on Jan 6.
Christmas Party
Our Christmas party will be on Dec 9. We will have a potluck and a gift exchange with a value of $10 or less and something that is knit related.
Stitches West 2011
Linda has already secured a bus for Stitches West 2011. We got Ernie! The road trip is Sat, Feb 19. The cost is $45. No refunds after Feb 1. Tickets will be sold starting Dec 1. There will be a fun project on the bus. Donations will be accepted for door prizes. If you are interested in going on Friday and spending the night, contact Linda Leman.
Show 'n Tell
Claudia shared that Grocery Outlet has food color on sale for $1.99 a box.
Vickie is getting ready for the holidays by making a felted basket and pin cushions.

Irene turned her mosaic knitting into gift cards and a post card. She also completed a sheep she started a year ago.

Louise made some hats for the holidays.

Karen made several Christmas ornaments and stuffed animals.

Brit knitted this sweater!

Lynette made a hat with Noro yarn.

Diana made this felted purse from squares. She will add rosettes to it.

Diana took a class at the Tin Thimble on Nuno felting. She made this beautiful scarf.

Teri's mosaic needle case.

Pat's scarf using two needle sizes.

Bekah's diagonal scarf.

Cheryl's gloves.

Laurie made this baby blanket and hat with a cotton blend.

Bonnie is making baby pants for someone special.

Live, Laugh, Knit!
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