Linda wanted to apologize to the class for being out of it last week. She received notice earlier in the day that said she was at fault for being run over by the golf cart this summer. It was unbelievable news, and she showed us the huge bruise that is still on her leg.
Class AssignmentWe watched the DVD showing us the three different cables. We are to choose one of them for the gansey sweater. We knitted a sample cable swatch by using the following pattern:
CO 14
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: K2, P2, K2, P2, K2, P2, K2
Row 3: Knit
Row 4: Same as Row 2
Row 5: K2, make the true cable, K2, make the mock cable, K2, make the Barbara Walker Baby cable, K2 (If you were not in class, you can probably find the cables on line or in a knitting reference book.)
After making this swatch and choosing the one we want to use, we switched to our Gansey sampler handout and learned how to follow the chart. Linda showed us how to increase the left and right side using the make 1 (M1) technique. When increasing on the right side, pick up the stitch from the back and knit in the front of the stitch. When increasing on the left side, pick up the stitch from the front and knit in the back of the stitch. You can check a reference guide or online for these techniques if you need help at home.
Our assignment is to knit up to Row 41. Below is Cynthia's sampler. She made the neck bigger for easy wear.
Yarn Caddy
In the next couple of weeks, we will receive three cute designs for the yarn caddy.
Rug Book
Linda and Nola signed their contract to publish the knitted rug book with a deadline of Oct. 1. The table of contents was given to the knitters who plan to knit a sample for the book to pick which one(s) they may want to knit. Let Linda know if you would like to knit one of the samples.
Lambtown USA
Debi asked the class if anyone plans to go Lambtown USA on Oct 7 for the world record knitting event. This fiber fair is in Dixon at the fair grounds. Admission is $2 and parking is about $5. Details can be seen by clicking on the link on the left under "Knitting Events."
Stitches West
Linda announced that she will be reserving a bus for Stitches West for next February. Sign ups will start in December. Toni mentioned that if you want to take classes, there is discount pricing until Oct. 31. The website link is on the left side of the blog.
Shown n Tell
Lynette's colorful round crochet rug.
Lynette's hats and a felted cell case
Candi models Cynthia's gorgeous lace scarf.
Candi made this baby sweater for a coworker's baby.
Linda's morning class is knitting this vest which is still in progress.
Be happy and knit!