Hi. Class was a wonderful turnout Thursday evening; it’s great renewing friendships and making new ones. This evening we started the Cottage Tea Cozy; two handouts were distributed for this project. But before I get into this project, here is a reminder for Project 2, the entrelac tote.
On the fourth week of class, we will start Project #2, the felted entrelac tote. Our assignment is to order the pattern from http://www.knitpicks.com/ or by calling 1-800-574-1323 before that week. The pattern number is 50406 on page 42 of the Knit Picks catalog. (I tried to order the pattern on Monday, but it is not available. They will email me when it is available; we still have some time.)
You will also need to have 10.5 circular needles, 24 inches and a set of 10.5 double point needles. You can use yarn scraps from home for this project.
Project 1: Tea Cozy
Should I begin with the roof or the house? If you have little experience knitting with circular needles, then start with the house because it is easier. Experienced circular needle knitters may want to start with the roof first because it is harder.
Can I use regular embroidery thread for embellishing the project? Yes. Linda is taking orders for Perle Cotton embroidery thread that her sister sells for 50 cents each/30 yd; however, you may use ones you already have.
What is M1? This stands for make 1 (a stitch for increasing); it is picking up stitches between stitches. A handout was distributed for M1.
How far should I knit to by next week? It is up to you; work at your own pace and don’t feel bad if you are behind.
Some abbreviations used in this pattern:
MC = main color
M = marker
CC = ? color for roof
See you next week.
I'm knitting on the roof and found it difficult figurung out whether to knit or purl on the decrease rows. Since the directions said continue in " established pattern", I tried to match up the knits & purls according to what was needed to keep the pattern going. On round 3 of decreases, do we do a ssp since that row starts with p2? Does anybody know?
Hi Linda, I don't know the answer. My roof does not look like the sample we saw in class; it is more a diagonal shingle design. Can anyone else answer this?
Hi Irene
I have started over for the 3rd time. Mine looks like a checker board shingle design. Did you do a k,ssk at the beginning of round 3 on the decrease rounds? Does your shingle design resemble a roof? Maybe that will be O.K., and more creative. I'm still contemplating how I could turn it into a bag/purse. Hope some of our classmates will be checking the blog and offering some opinions/feedback!
Hi. I did the k,ssk. I think mine will pass for a roof although it is suppose to be checkerboard. A purse is a good idea especially for the spring and summer. I need to finish my sweater too; I was too sleepy last night.
I think I've jumped ahead to 'freeform knitting', because my house bottom and roof do not match up well! The house felted down to a very small size and I knitted the roof too big! Talk about baggy rooftops!
Though the 'keep in established pattern' instruction for the roof was confusing to me as well, apparently that was the least of my worries.
Ah well...at least I'm having fun!
Knit on...
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