Hi. There were two beautiful felted tote bags for show ‘n tell, and I regret not taking pictures. Katie made a lovely blue tote, and Julie’s tote is a cheerful red. Linda demonstrated how three of her knitting “toys” work. One measures the amount of scrap yarn you have in feet ($50 from patternworks), another one winds it into a ball, and the third is an old-fashion cord twister. The twisted cord is in Linda's hand in the photo; it is neat and tight. Also take a look at the beautiful totes in progress in the foreground.
Seven pages of handouts were distributed this week: one pattern for the little felted box, five patterns for the Andean purses, and one instruction for fair isle technique. Also, everyone present received the class phone number list, so we can help each other during the week.
Ideas for Handles
Linda mentioned three ways to make a handle: icord, crochet, and using the cord twister. Vickie showed us the handle she is making; she is making three icords per handle to match her tote and then braiding them together.
Next Week
Students who are finished with their tote by next week will begin either the felted box or the Andean purse. Some of us will still be working on the tote, which is okay. Knit at your own pace.
Future Projects
We love learning new techniques, and after break we will start mosaic knitting.
It was mentioned that a new craft store is starting up in Auburn; it is by the Monkey Cat (?) restaurant.
Have a great week!
Hopefully, someone will read this who can HELP.
(and will post their helpful comment and/or give me a call - I'm on the telephone list).
I'm stuck at the ending of my 'tote base' instruction for the entrelac bag - and don't know how to proceed with the next step, which reads:
'Next round: pick up and knit together with the stitch on the left needle and the bar from the last knit round'.
I know where the stitch from the left needle is, but is the 'bar' the horizontal line between lft and rt needle when the needles are held apart - AND do I slip the rt needle under that bar first, then proceed to the st on the left needle - and then knit them both off together?
Someone please HELP!
I'd love to get this bag finished and felted before the next class meeting.
Thank you!
~ Bev
Yes. Note that the bar comes from the last knit stitch and not from the purls. This creates the fold for the crease inside your tote bag. Hope this makes sense.
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