Happy Birthday to all March knotty knitters. What a wonderful night for freebies! Louise brought us beautiful grapefruits. Ruth brought vintage baby yarn. Noelle brought knitting magazines and a couple of calendars. Diana brought us delicious brownie cookies "for no good reason." :) Thank you, everyone!
It is not too late to sign up sheet for the class challenge which is the Big Night Out Bra. More than one person can sign up for the month or theme she would like to represent. Due date is some time in May. You may participate even if you do not sign up; signing up helps us not to duplicate too many bras in one month or theme.
Placer School for Adults has approved our knitting class extension for the month of May. The extension will not cover the month of June as Linda hoped, but she suggested we meet for dinner. Details will follow in May.
Phone/Email List and Class Logo
The new email list was sent to us by email from Linda L. If you did not receive it and you are on the list, send Linda L. an email message so she can email you back. Her email address is lindaleman@mailpass.com.
Class shirt orders are now being taken; there is an order form on the back table during class. Detailed information was sent to us via email from Linda L. this week.
If you received an invitation to view my new blog from blogger.com, you do not have to log in as requested. I have made it easier by adding it to the left side of this blog. It is called “Our Class Knit Trip.”
Alpaca Yarn for Sale
A student in one of Linda’s classes has an alpaca farm and sells the yarn from her alpacas. Each skein has a label with the alpaca’s name on it. If enough students are interested, Linda will have her come sell the yarn in class.
Class Market
Which reminds me, Linda announced the last class be open for a class market. Anyone in class may bring items to sell such as Teri’s knitting needle earrings, Vickie’s polished rock accessories, and Julie or Noelle’s candies.
Upcoming Events
A vintage pin cushion class will be held at the Tin Thimble this Sunday, March 9, from 11 to 3:30. The fee is $25. A picture of the pin cushion can be viewed on last week's blog. If you would like to participate, contact Diana at fourwesties@yahoo.com.
A day for our class Yarn Tasting at Fibers was voted on; April 20 from 1-4 p.m. is the winning date. Teri will let us know if the date will work for Fibers. The cost will be $30 per person made out to Fibers to be collected in class prior to the event.
Vickie is looking into a summer trip for our class. Yeah!
There is no class on Thursday, March 27, because of Spring Break.
Come park n’ knit on Monday and/or Tuesday evenings in Linda’s beginning knit class.
Have a great week and knit on!
Irene, As always, great notes and pictures. I really like how the backgammon pattern looks as a purse that I have decided to make one now. See you in a week. Liz
Liz, Can't wait to see your purse. The blue one is really pretty.
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