Are you interested in dying your own yarn using indigo dye or onion skin? Indigo dye will result in a blue color, and the onion skin will result in colors from pale yellow to reddish brown. Linda is having a dying session in class on June 26, the last night of class. Most are interested, so she demonstrated how to use a knitting knoddy. It is important for everyone participating to know how to use this since the yarn will need to be tied in this particular fashion. It takes a little time to use, but it saves a lot of time in the long run. She will bring the tool to class so every person will be able to tie their own yarn starting next week. Bea has plenty of yarn for everyone.
The cost of this session will be $4 which includes the cost of the dye and the yarn that Bea is contributing; if you bring your own yarn (no more than 2 oz), the cost is $2 and it must be all natural such as wool, alpaca, mohair, or angora – no synthetics. Class will start at 5:30 that night since it will take time, and you will need to bring money, a little string, a plastic bag to take home your wet yarn, and a plastic label to ID your hank.

In using the knitting knoddy, it is important to wind the yarn towards the center without any overlapping. Overlapping causes tangles. This tool is good for making hanks for kool aid dying as well. You do not need to buy one, but in case you are interested, you may be able to find it at Woodland Woolworks, Rumpelstiltskin, Babetta’s, or look online.
Warning: Indigo dying stinks. If you are sensitive to stinky, rotten egg smell, you may not want to do this. It smells like sulphur. However, as we wait for the yarn to dye, we will have our last class party and group pictures.
Linda brought a Halcyon Yarn catalog for anyone to look at. They specialize in knitting, spinning, and weaving supplies.
Auburn Faith is looking for preemie and baby hats if you are interested in making them. Linda’s beginner group is making some since one of the nurses is in the class.
Linda recommended Vickie Howell’s new book, Knit Aid. It is a great reference book and inexpensive. She also brought in the crochet book, 201 Crochet Motifs, Blocks, Projects, and Ideas, where all the patterns for the free form handout came from. One section is on crocheting your own initials.

Ruth sent us all a card that was read to us. She is doing well even though she is in a cast.
Our participation in the Art Walk has been approved. Bras are due on June 5 which is two weeks away. Diana is in charge of coordinating the Art Walk, and she will be sending us emails confirming the month we signed up for since many students were absent last week and this week. Linda wants to make sure that all months are covered; Diane volunteered to switch from February to October.
Diane brought extra business cards for Marquis Etc. on 345 Commercial Street in Auburn. They carry some vintage buttons.
Bev mentioned an interesting website for knitters that features more graphics and details than most knitting sites. It may be worth your time to go to this website: TECHknitting.blogspot.com. She wanted you to know that Technoknit.com which was written on the board is incorrect; the first one is the correct address.
State Fair Applications
Talk to Georgia for details on submitting your project(s) at the California State Fair. The fine arts application is already available.
For Your Calendar
No class on June 12. That is the night of the Art Walk. Come by and see our display.
June 19 is a class night.
Summer Pool Party. Carolyn has invited us to her house for a summer pool party; I think the date is July 17.
Intermediate Class. The intermediate class for the Fall session will be held on Monday evenings instead of Tuesdays. Linda mentioned that it starts the week of September 8.
Hope I didn't miss anything else. Have a good week knitting.
I checked out the web site that Bev mentioned, it is absolutely great. Great notes again Irene.
You are amazing Irene. So thorough! We are very lucky to have such a dedicated member in our wacky little group.
Hi. Thank you for your comments this week and last week. I enjoy doing this for our awesome and wacky group.
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