Fran knitted this lovely baby sweater.

Linda L's lovely musk ox lace yarn from Alaska.

Candi bought this beautiful merino yarn in Germany this summer.

Cynthia made this cute baby hat. I think she made an afghan to go with it too.

Georgia knitted this beautiful, soft scarf.

First of all, Happy Birthday September Ladies!
Class was huge, exciting and fun. It was so nice to see everyone and meet new knitters. We introduced ourselves, told how long we’ve been knitting and what our favorite color is. Welcome newcomers Cathie, Pam, Barbara, Brenda, Nancy, Rosemary, Lynn, Karen, Laurie, Cynthia, and the knitter next to Cynthia. I'm sorry if I missed someone. Welcome back Katie and congratulations on earning your Masters in Education.
Show n’ Tell
Most of us did not bring our summer projects for show n’ tell. Bring them next week if you would like to share what you made this summer. Linda brought a lot of show n' tell items from this summer's camp. Here are a few.
Hand dyed yarn and wood chips for the dye

Linda made the basket, book, and hand dyed the material.

Linda purchased this cool necklace at the Knitty Couture in St. Louis. It is a knitting needle gauge.

Indigo Challenge
Several brought their summer challenge to show, but Linda would like us to wait until next week to share.
A one-page syllabus was distributed for the class. We will work on lace the first half of the semester and then intarsia the second half. Schedule is subject to change depending on how we are doing on the projects.
I Need Help
If you need help with a project, please write your name on the chalkboard so Linda can meet with you after class discussion.
Today’s Surprise Project
Our surprise project is really cute; it is a knitting bag ornament. The instruction was copied on the back of the syllabus and toothpicks were given to us to add as knitting needles. Linda says to be creative. The pattern is written for straight needles, but it can be changed to knit in the round by casting on 36 stitches (Bea suggests casting on 35 or 37 stitches so the seed stitch pattern is easier). To garter stitch in the round, one row must be knit and the next row purl; otherwise, it will come out as stockinette stitches. To end, use a 3-needle bind off and turn the bag inside out. Bea suggested we trade the ornaments with each other by bringing it in a bag to draw in class. Two beads for the end of the knitting needles are needed to be glued on. Several shops for beads were mentioned in class such as Altamont, Gypsy Wind, Ben Franklin, Beverly’s, $1.25 store, Dollar Tree, and Michael’s. Instead of using polyester fiber to fill the bottom of the bag, use a large butterfly yarn; this way the fiber will not show and it will look like the contents of a real bag.

Next Week’s Project
Scribble lace is next week’s project. You will need a circular needle (average length is 24”) with a size 15 or 17 needles, 1 skein of lace weight or a little heavier yarn, and 1 skein of bulky weight yarn. Linda used a solid lace yarn and a multi color chunky yarn. Quilting thread can be used if you have it, but it does not work well. I think someone mentioned that Ben Franklin’s has lace weight yarn for sale at $8/skein.

Other News
Filati’s is for sale! The owner is retiring.
Louise had a great idea this summer. She invited family members on a beach retreat just for sewing, knitting, crocheting, etc. They had a wonderful time, and she made several felted bags.
Linda would like to send the knitted bras to St. Louis for a display. She would like two bras represented for each month. I think seven more bras are needed so if you are interested in making one, let Linda know. The months that have two bras already are February, March, June, August, and November.
For those of you who are new to the class and/or blogging, if you have any questions regarding the first class, you may contact me by email (ibergh@sbcglobal.net) or leave a message under comments on this blog.
Knit on!
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