Beautiful in Black By Nancy

Lace Sachet Bags By Irene and Pam

Linda holding Baby Sweet Tomato who takes after his father, Mr. Tomato Head.

Thanks to Linda L. who shared tomatoes from her garden.

We spent the pleasant evening working on our scribble lace and sachet projects. There were about five completed projects for show n’ tell; the pictures of projects and books will be posted by Sunday. A few knitters spent time using the new ball winder and swift which is great to have in class. Fran gave us a good tip on the sachet lace pattern; since the legend is small and some are similar to each other, color code the marks in the legend and chart. Linda had a new pattern for us from the knitting calendar, the Andrea Reversible Lace Scarf dated September 29, 2008.
Most important of all, we signed up for group orders on EZ Bobs and the intarsia workshop book we will be using in class. If you were absent, please contact Linda right away if you want the book we will be using ($15) and/or the EZ bobs for 55 cents each (she recommends having 10). The order will be placed this week, and there is no tax or shipping cost. The EZ bobs are recommended because they do not get caught on anything like the others, but you can use any kind of bobbins or none at all. The thin, spiral bound intarsia book and the sampler we will make inside the book are not attractive, but the information is worth it. Reminder, Linda's phone number is on the new phone list that Linda L. sent us by email about a week ago.

Next Week
We will go over the handouts for a square Shetland lace shawl next week. The handouts will cover how to design your own. Shetland lace starts in the middle using 4 dpns making 4 triangle lace designs that form into a square. We will not actually make the shawl, but just be given information on how to design one ourself. You can bring any kind of yarn and dpns you already have for practice; make sure you have a set of 5 dpns since all 5 will be used. You may also continue working on previous projects as well.
Future Project – Yarn Labels
Keep collecting yarn labels as many as possible for a future surprise project. The project will take place close to the end of the Fall session.
Phone List
A copy of the new class phone and email list was handed out.
Summer Challenge
Linda has not decided on a date for the summer challenge reveal. She will get back to us on the date.
October Festival
Diana, Katie, Vickie, and Diane will be selling their awesome craft items at the Auburn festival on October 18. It will be held at the parks and recreation center park off Auburn Folsom Rd; I think it is Racetrack Dr. More details to come. Let's go out and show our support.
Linda brought this book for us to peruse.

Knit on!
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