Linda, our instructor, brought two books to share. One was unique knit hats from around the world and the other was an art book of paintings that portrays someone knitting.

Note Cards and Calendar
Another success was the bra note cards and calendars. All but one calendar and six note cards (three sets of each) are available for purchase. Teri’s husband donated a calendar for the Knights of Columbus auction and $58 was raised to help buy a wheelchair for a disabled person. Way to go! Contact Linda or Louise to purchase the last available sets.
Next Thursday, Last Class, Dec. 18
Christmas Party: Potluck, Gift Exchange (Optional), and Cottage Industry Sale (Optional)
I hope no one misses it because we had so much good food and fun last year, especially the white elephant gift exchange. If you are participating in the gift exchange, the item should be knitting related valued at $10 or less or handmade and wrapped. Our class is very talented in so many areas, and Linda likes to support our class vendors; the cottage industry sale is an opportunity for anyone in class to bring handcrafted items to sell. The items make nice gifts.
Spring Knit Class
Knitting cardigans is the theme for the advanced class in the spring. Linda has two options in mind: one cardigan is a surprise jacket by Elizabeth Zimmerman using scrap yarn in two sizes (baby and ladies), and the other cardigan is knitted from top down, easy with no sewing involved. Class catalogs will be mailed on Jan 6 and registration will begin on Jan 20.
Dec 18, Last Class, Christmas Party, Cottage Industry Sale
Jan 6, New Placer School for Adult catalog mailed out
Jan 20, Class registration for Spring classes
Don't get stressed during the holiday preparations; take time to knit.

Sorry some photos turned out blurry.
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