The knitted icons were entertaining and well received by the viewers at the Art Walk. The class room at Cabin Fever was very nice and the display was great. Colleen made a creative sign using yarn and needles to draw people in. Diana made the best tasting cookies for refreshments, and Cabin Fever furnished Sparkling Cider for the occasion. It was nice to see Knotty Knitters and some of their supportive husbands. A few of the viewers remembered our knitted bra display from last year and wondered where we get these fantastic ideas. Thanks to Linda!
If you haven’t made an icon, it is quite a challenge and a creative experience. It is not too late to make one for the state fair.
Our next adventure is the Summer Knit 2gether at Teri’s summer home on June 27. Did you all get the flyer via email? There are 18 ladies signed up so far. We will meet for breakfast about 7:45 at either the airport or Sweet Peas in Auburn depending on the size of the group and the restaurant accommodations for groups. Linda will make reservations so please let me know if you plan to come to breakfast. Then, we will carpool to Truckee at 9 am taking I-80 (since it is right by the restaurant) to shop for yarn and beads before heading for Teri’s. Some of the ladies who are skipping breakfast will meet us in either Truckee or at the carpool site (probably a parking lot or shopping area near the restaurant). If you want to go but haven’t rsvp’d, contact Irene at ibergh@sbcglobal.net.
Park & Rec Sessions
Linda L. will be sending us an email soon regarding a decision we must make. ARD is preparing for the Fall catalogs, and Linda needs to know as soon as possible whether we want two 12-week sessions or three 12-week sessions for the year. The dates of the three sessions would be something like 9/10-12/3; 12/10-17, 1/7-3/11; and mid March through mid June. The dates of the two sessions would be something like 9/10-12/3 and maybe February through beginning of May (I’m guessing). The 12 week sessions are $65 for residents and $70 for nonresidents which comes to only $5 + change for each class. Also there will be a Monday morning advanced class with the same projects at the Regional Park center with ARD. The ARD catalogs come out September 1. The beginner and intermediate classes (hat, socks, purse) will be held with Placer School for Adults.
Until we meet again, knit and be happy!

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