Diane made a cute pouch and a case.

Teri made this classy felted key chain.

Seating Arrangement
The staff at ARD set up the table and chairs for us this week. The tables were arranged in one large square with the chairs on the outside perimeters and the center was empty. Linda received mixed reviews in class, so she would like your feedback whether you like the new seating arrangement or prefer the first one or something else. If you did not get a chance to tell Linda how you feel, email her at mocactusneedle@netscape.net. You can see a little bit of it below.

New Class List
On Wednesday, Linda L sent us all an email with the new class list, phone numbers, and email addresses. The list was passed around in class to check for any errors. One name and one phone were corrected, so a new list will be sent out again. If you are new to the class and did not receive the email, please check your spam folder.
Short Cut to ARD
Linda mentioned a short cut to our new location. Instead of driving to Maidu on Auburn-Folsom, she went from Auburn Folsom, turned left on Sacramento, turned left to Sky Ridge, and turned right on Riverview. ARD will be on the left side. She says it saves a little more time and you do not have to drive up the hill.
Knitting Tools
A check out sheet has been put together by Louise. The blocking boards may be signed out for one week. It has been decided that the ball winder and swift will be available for us to use during class instead of checked out.
The swift/yarn winder did not fit on the table, so Vickie used the banister.

Linda demonstrated the weaving square. Class photo above was taken during that time.

1st and 2d Week's Assignments: Dominos, Sq Panels, and Pot Holders
We reviewed picking up stitches for attaching a new square to an existing square. Linda drew a picture of the square showing us which loop is stitch #1, how many stitches to pick up in between, and which piece is the turn around bump. We were reminded that we need to have an odd number of stitches for squares, and we do not have to change colors on stitch #1. Color can be changed on stitch #2. Some of the students expressed that they could not tell the difference from the right and wrong sides; Linda suggests putting a color marker or yarn on one of the sides.

We then went over the pot holder patterns. The pot holders in DK cotton yarn comes out thin, so you may want to knit two and sew them together or knit with two strands of yarn, use bulky worsted weight, or use wool to felt it. If using wool for felting, use size 10.5 needles. If using two strands of yarn or bulky worsted weight, use size 13 needles.
Also if using worsted weight instead of DK weight, you may want to adjust the amount of CO stitches. Try CO 15 or 17 sts for worsted weight yarn. For felting, stick with the original amount of CO stitches but use bigger needles as mentioned above. She mentioned that sometimes the numbers are wrong in the pattern, and we noticed that some of the words are cut off on the right hand edge of our handout.
Pattern 1: Note the edging is only on two sides and the loop will be at the bottom. Correction: on right hand side, first column, under “Border-Knitted “Mouse Teeth” Picot,” delete 76. Should read “pick up and knit 75 sts.”
Pattern 2: Note the square in the center is the best one to make your gauge. For sq D, CO sts first then pick up sts on sq A. Instead of garter st loop, you may want to make an i-cord loop. If felting, remember the item will shrink to 60% of the original size, so don’t forget to make loop size accordingly.
Correction to words cut off on right hand edge, back page.
Under “Log Cabin Border, 1st side”
1st line: fin-
2d line: 37 sts
3d line: BO
4th line: and do
Under 2d side:
1st line: the
2d line: until
3d line: Knit
Pattern 3: Corrections to 1st paragraph on LEFT hand side.
3d line: then
4th line: is
Opposite side: Correction under “I, J, K, and L—3d block”
2d line: squares,
3d line: and L
Under “M, N, O, and P—4th block”
1st line: (sun
4th line: between
Pattern 4: Linda went over how to make a triangle. Correction under “Number of Sts: 29”
2d line: 15 sts.
3d line: 29 sts
5th line: round
Under NOTE: (curry) is
Opposite Page 6, Under “G—3d panel, a square”
2d line: in the
3d line: center st
Under “Top triangle, open-29 sts”
1st line: triangle ends
2d line: use to
3d line: can be
Headband: Suggested to use garter st which is more stable than stockinette. If using ww yarn, CO 19 or 21 sts. Note: the pieces are NOT attached in Round 1. They are attached in Round 2.
Words cut off on right side.
1st line: it
3d line: The
4th line: diamond
5th line: sewing
Measurements: circumference is
Yarn: sock wt.
Colors for child's size: skeins of
Colors for adult size: skeins of
2d line: gold-
Needles: rolled
2d line: needles
Construction: sqs
Gauge: 1-3/4”
2d line: 2-5/8”
3d line: to
Next page, 2d line: side,
3d line: way.
In black, 2d line: into
5th line, another
Last paragraph in black:
1st line: purl
2d line: into
4th line: slip
5th line: purling
Next Week’s Projects: We will start Baskets and continue previous projects (pot holders, headbands)
The handout for the basket was distributed in class. There are two sizes of baskets: short and tall. We did not go over the pattern since we will go over it next week. Linda gave us suggestions for yarn. She plans to use scraps of wool yarn and felt it. She also mentioned that we might want to use twine, or make a crazy quilt pattern with various colors, or use the stuff that makes fabric stiff. We will also receive more patterns next week.
Reminder: Work at your own pace.
Future Projects
Pat suggested that we revisit past projects in the future. Some suggestions from the class were mosaic knitting, free form, and knitting with beads. If you would like to see what we have done in the past, check the “archives” on the left hand column of this blog. It goes back to 2006. Let Linda know if you have any suggestions.
Lion Brand Yarn
Linda received her Fall Lion Brand catalog and noticed that they now carry five colors of fisherman yarn instead of two. The colors are natural, oatmeal, nature’s brown, oak tweed, and maple tweed. This yarn is 100% wool and can be used for felting. Vickie bought all five colors when she was in Ohio this summer. It was noted that Ben Franklin’s carry all five colors too.
Discount at BF
Speaking of Ben Franklin’s, a student in one of Linda’s classes was buying supplies there this past week. The cashier saw that she had a class supplies list and gave her a 15% discount for being enrolled in the class. So, take your class enrollment/receipt with you when you shop there. A receipt can be printed out from your "account" page if you enrolled with ARD online.
Other News
Noelle was in class this week. She thanked everyone for their thoughts, prayers, and generous gifts. Things are falling into place, and they have talked to a contractor and the insurance company. She says, “We are good.”
Louise mentioned that there is new vinyl material that is like chalkboard. You can write messages and erase it. She found the fabric at Mill Street Fabrics in Grass Valley.
Diana reported this week that we won $5 for first place at the Gold Country Fair for our knitted icon display. Karen, from a previous knitting class, printed our knitted icon photos on one sheet and made a lovely memorable collage to display.

Georgia finished this beautiful red sweater.

Sue made this sweater for a child to wear at Disneyland.

Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of Nancy's lovely blue/lavendar Top Down sweater and Cynthia's yard sale find: knitting magazines. Knit on!
Irene - thank you for the excellent notes on last week's class. I feel like i didn't miss a thing! I appreciate it. And I can't wait til the next class. -Diana
Diana, You are welcome. We missed you. There were about 6 ladies absent. Noelle came, and Katie stopped by for a good portion.
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