Laurie made this lovely headband.

Sandy made this mitered purse with a cable edge.

Jesse's flower cap with a rolled edge for a child.

Hiya Hiya Needles
An order form for these mini circular needles was given out to anyone wanting to place a group order. Forms are due in two weeks, Nov 5. However, Louise took an early order and payment in class from anyone wanting to use these needles for the sock project that will start on Nov 5. On Friday, Oct 23, Louise sent us an email stating: "...the first order has been sent for HiyaHiya needles. Two things to note:
1. They were on in-stock short for the 9" #2 but I attached a note and will call them.
2. Price change for 12" size 7, 8, and 9 are $9.00 each rather than the $7.50 as the other sizes."
Two new patterns for slippers and a two-square hat were handed out in advance for yarn.
Next Week
Start slippers and two-square hat. Linda will go over both handouts in class.
In Two Weeks, Nov 5
Mini Dye Lesson and Sock Project. Vickie has agreed to teach us how to dye yarn with food colors. This will take place on the same night Linda will teach how to knit socks, so two different groups will be going on at the same time, then we will switch groups.
To prepare for the yarn dying, Vickie would like us to prepare the yarn by doing the following: Bring 100% natural fiber in crème (not tweed) such as Fisherman’s wool, Cascade 200, or Lion Brand wool. Separate skein into hanks by wrapping skein on a chair or knitty knoddy 75 times. Then tie in 5 places to create a loose loop. On Nov 5, bring yarn already presoaked in cold water and ¼ cup of vinegar for at least 30 minutes. Linda will bring a knitty knoddy to class next week for us to make the hanks. By the way, Linda announced that Fisherman's wook is on sale at Michael's right now for $6.99.
Vickie will bring white vinegar and plastic cups for us. We are to bring the following:
Our presoaked yarn
$2 for supplies
1 big garbage bag for covering the counter.
Rags or paper towel for messes.
1 plastic or microwaveable plate for microwaving yarn.
1 pair of disposable glove or baggie for your hands.
1 spray bottle for water and vinegar.
Plastic bags to take yarn home in.
Food color.
Future Classes
A poll was taken if students are interested in the following classes: free form, tea cozy, needle felting, and flower wash cloths.
Linda asked if we wanted one night just to work on Unfinished Projects (UFOs). She will help us on any UFOs that she has taught, but please don’t ask her about a project she has not gone over in class since it will take too long to read the pattern.
Challenges are fun and help us sharpen our creativity. It is even more fun when a large number of ladies participate. The completed projects are works of art and an inspiration to us all.
This semester’s challenge is two squares with cords that resemble an Octopus or Jellyfish. Linda handed us a photo as an example. The challenge is to write our own pattern. It is due the last week of this semester, Dec 3. The requirements are the following:
You need to have at least one square in the project.
It needs to be an octopus or jellyfish, but in any form such as a Christmas ornament.
It should be fun. It can be functional but not required.
You do not have to add a face.
It can be big or small. It can be for kids or adults.
It can be felted or unfelted, lined or stuffed.
Other News
Noelle announced that she is bringing the green binder with copies of all projects in case someone needs a pattern from the past.
Second trimester starts on Dec 10 with a two-week break for the winter holidays. The third trimester begins Mar 11 and ends Jun 3.
Linda bought this cute stuffed elephant from a women's cooperative in Africa.

Pat's two plate mats in matching colors.

Nancy's colorful potholder.

Bunny's pretty scarf.

Diane made a mini basket that fits a bead.

Knit on!
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