Friday, February 12, 2010

2d Trimester, Wk 8

Good news. Stitch n Ride the bus is on for Sat, Feb 27!

Linda received 38 confirmed riders. 12 seats are still available, and we will be receiving a little rebate on that day. We must absolutely meet at 6:45 am to get on the bus, and it will leave exactly at 7 am. We will be able to leave items on the bus that we do not need to bring with us into Stitches West. The bus contains overhead compartments as well as luggage space below for any huge purchases. It will be locked and safe during our time at the convention.

We will also be working on the Hit n Miss scarf. Linda brought paper bags for us to class for our yarn. Mark on the bag whether it is a Novelty or Plain yarn. Please do not bring the yarn to class, but bring it on the big day. You will also need to get started by casting on 150-200 stitches on size 10-1/2 or 11 needles with a 18-20" tail.

Door prizes should be brought to class as Linda would like to see them first.

Bead Projects
I'm sorry there are no pictures this week. I was sick and could not attend class. However, Linda L was kind enough to take notes for me. She asked everyone to bring back any finished items again next week, so I can take pictures. Teri and Georgia made some cute beaded necklaces, and Vicki's husband made a handy device to keep beaded yarn from tangling.

Linda talked about embellishments for the beaded bags by showing samples from her book. She also talked about how to make the part that goes around the neck. Vicki showed an example of how she used crimping beads to make her necklace. Using a twisted cord was also discussed; Linda L saw a twisted cord being made using a mixer on Knitty Gritty. Teri mentioned that a store at The Fountain sells beaded bag necklaces for $250.

Future Projects
Linda brought a sample of a very large knitted mitt that she lightly felted. She will be teaching us how to make critters or a flower out of it.

She will also show us how to make a pinwheel base for making different items such as a purse or basket.

Two patterns from the book "Knit to be Squared" were handed out: one for a rose bud duffle and another for a bucket bag.

Flower Challenge
Linda brought in a bag of springs for $2 each for the flower stands. She also brought the books back for us to look through. The challenge will be due at the end of May, the 27th.

New Trimester
The 3d trimester begins on March 11. We have three more sessions left.

Added on 2/15, I heard that Diana brought in cute little valentine boxes with M & Ms for everyone. Thank you very much, Diana. Happy Valentine's Day!

Knit and Smile!


Anonymous said...

Irene, I hope you are feeling better! I will miss seeing you in class this week (18th) but will see you the next week. Diana

Irene said...

Thanks for your comment, Diana. It's taking a long time to get over this cold, but I am feeling better. I will miss you too. See you on the 25th.