Nancy completed her plastic shopping bag.

Sandy made two bags. She used blue Chinese plastic "rope" that she found on her shelf for the one on the right.

Irene also used Chinese plastic rope. It made the whole bag except for one side of the handle. The bag was soaked in dish liquid and baking soda to get rid of the funky plastic smell. Sandy's plastic rope did not have a smell.

This Week
Linda went over all the patterns that she gave us at the beginning of class. She wanted to know which ones we were interested in knitting.
Then, she talked about moebius knitting. Diane brought a moebius scarf and bag as examples. Linda stresses that our first moebius project should be the scarf. After that, you can branch out and do the other projects: bag, cat bed, baskets, etc. She gave us all a handout on how many to cast on and the length of cables.
First, decide on your yarn. Pick yarn that drapes well. Nothing stiff and no novelty for cast on. The cast on is the hardest part.
Second, decide on size of needles. Depends on yarn chosen.
Third, have long cables between 47 and 60 inches. Depends on what length you want your scarf to be. The scarf is circular not straight. We will be knitting from the center of the scarf to the edges. It really comes out.
For example, ww yarn might use a 48" cable with 192 stitches on size 8 needles. She also brought back the two Cat Bordhi books to show us.
Linda also showed us a huge afghan made from a photo of a person. It was amazing.
Next Week
No class next week. It is Spring Break. See you back on Apr 8.
State Flowers
A few ladies are already knitting their flowers. Karen M, a former student who is taking Linda's art class, finished five state flowers! Here are four. They are really well done and lovely. To clarify, Linda would like us to use the spring as part of our plant and not as a vase or stand.

Buttons for Sale
Leslie Rogers from Me and B Handcrafted Buttons made a presentation on customized buttons that she and her son make themselves. She also sells oil cloth bags at the Farmers' Market and on called EttaMae Originals.

Here are a few buttons for sale.

So many cute buttons to choose from...

Unfortunately, Cabin Fever is going out of business. Material is 30% off. Their bags are dark pink, by the way.
Louise finished her bottom up socks. I think the one on the right was a top down socks that she made before. Nice job!

Happy Easter and Happy Knitting!