It was the last session for the 2d trimester. The 3d trimester will begin next week on March 11. If you register for the next trimester this week, you will avoid having to go to the ARD office in person to register. In the 3d trimester, Linda will cover knitting with plastic bags, moebius knitting, state flowers, and some more square patterns. All patterns will be given to us on the first day of class.
Rosemary and Pat comparing their beaded scarves. One was blocked and the other wasn't, but they both look good.

An adorable leg warmer Linda L is making for her granddaughter. It makes a nice wristwarmer too.

Laurie's son bought this beautiful purse for her at a correctional facility gift shop. It is made from ramen wrappers. Linda plans to teach a class on this some day.

Next Week's Project

For the plastic knitting bag that we will start next week, bring circular needles -- size 13 with a 24" cable and a lot of regular plastic shopping bags (the soft kind, not hard plastic). Linda used about two bags for each color above and 3 bags for the pink section.
We will start moebius knitting in a few weeks.
On the coil stand for the state flowers, feel free to spray paint it or use crystal clear spray to prevent further rust.
Stitches West Purchases
Everyone had a great time at Stitches West 2010 in Santa Clara. There was so much to see, buy, and learn. It was fun to see everyone's purchases. Linda plans on heading the bus trip again next year unless there is a really good deal on the train.
Laurie bought a lot of beautiful yarn.

Louise showing us what a silk cap looks like before separating the layers into yarn.

Claudia bought the same silk cap and had time to make it into yarn.

Claudia purchased this beautiful bag at the Teddy Bear Project booth.

Vickie's purchases. One of her purchases was a felted soap kit.

Diana's new yarn

Hit 'n Miss scarves completed on the bus. Also the ladies are wearing their scarves in the photos above.

Pictures from Louise More photos can be seen at

Happy Knitting!
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