Clever, realistic Oregon state flower by Louise. She said the key was to use two different gauges of wire to piece it together. She also shared that she would like to submit a photo of our state flowers with a little article to a magazine called Country Woman since it will fit their style.

A sweet but wild rose on steriods according to Laurie. A wire was set inside the top petals for shaping.

A pretty peony by Rosemary with a clever use of the button in the center. Also, Rosemary showed us two 3-tier modular purses that she has already felted. She is now going to add the handles.

Bea's lovely peach blossom for the state of Delaware. Bea is moving to Folsom, so she will be attending class again in the Fall. Welcome back!

Colleen amazed us with her felted lady slipper! So creative and humorous!

Pat's flower fairies left us in awe. The cutest things ever! Her friend sculpted the fairies from clay (front and back sides below).

See the light, delicate wings?

Reminder: the deadline to turn in the flowers is next week.
Linda went over the instructions for the modular purse and demonstrated picking up stitches from the bottom of the purse to start the first tier. Please get notes from classmates if you need them.
A few of us also learned to paint our own yarn using acrylic paint on plastic bags.
Other News
Linda wanted to know if it would alright if the class was moved to Wednesday nights in the Fall. She has been hired to teach a GED class two nights a week since her art class at the middle school was cut. From the response, she will probably keep our class on Thursday nights.
Georgia announced that she will be organizing an intermediate and advanced line dance classes on Thursday nights at the Race Track Park & Rec site, so she will not be able to continue with us.
Louise knitted this pretty scarf with beads. She learned to add beads to the edging at Stitches West.

Vickie made another colorful plorn bag for her daughter's friend. This one is slightly bigger and will be very handy.

Sandy felted a cute needle cozy. Looks like candy!

Candi's hardware jewelry made at Linda P's jewelry class last weekend with Diana, Laurie, and Teri. Laurie and Teri also showed us the cool things they made. They had a lot of fun and have already received positive comments from cashiers and store owners.

Happy Knitting!
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