The gift exchange was a great hit. There was a lot of stealing, in fun. Poor Linda, her gift was taken from her at least 3 times.
The potluck was yummy and good.
Jake's present. Vickie spent hours putting the squares together and working the ends. Thank you so much, Vickie.
Jake was shy opening the gift in front of us.
We had a special presentation on the history of handmade brooms by Linda's husband.
These brooms are handmade by Linda's husband, and they are available for sale.
Next 12-Week Session and Extension Possibility
It was also our last class for the Fall session. The next 12-week session begins on Jan 6. You may sign up online starting Dec 27. We hope you all come to continue our new friendships and learn more color techniques.
Linda forgot to mention that KBB can have an extension next Thursday, Dec 16, if there are enough people interested. Linda L. sent an e-mail about it on Saturday. Please reply soon. We would be in the room down the hall on the right as our room is booked. If there is not enough interest, Linda will let them know not to set up the room. She will not be able to attend, but some had expressed interest in meeting one more time before the end of the year. (12/14: This extension has been cancelled due to low attendance.)
Stitches West
If you plan to go, reserve your space. Checks will not be cashed until Feb 1. Also Ernie's scarf may be taken home over the holidays. We will present it to him on the Stitches West bus ride.
Finger Puppets
Yarn may be taken home over the holidays.
Nola's Challenge
This challenge is due on Mar 1. Details on last week's blog.
Charity Project
It was a success! Thanks to Linda for a fun project. And, thank you to Karen, Teri, and Linda L. for sending me photos.
Teri's Photos (2 below)
Karen's Photos (2 below)

Show 'N Tell
Debi knitted a Santa's cap and fuzzy slippers.
Claudia made a tiger out of the lamb/zebra pattern Linda gave us.
Louise made this dinosaur vest for her grandson.
Teri used the color techniques to knit this snake for her puppy, Penny. There is a label on it that says, "Tender loving care from Mother."
Pat hand dyed this yarn to make this cross stitch scarf. She calls it something like "swarms of orange birds flying over a meadow."
Lynette knitted this hat and added a button on top.
Happy Holidays and Happy Knitting! We hope to see you in the new year.
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