Linda had to attend an open house this week, so Diana delightfully started the class and led Show n Tell. Here she is showing us the scarf for Ernie, our Stitches West bus driver, that Karen completed.
Louise presented Karen and Vickie a gift of appreciation for their generous offer in putting together the outfits for our charity project and Jake's comforter.
A $5 materials fee was collected in class, and we continued the Knit One Below technique. Linda showed us two different bind offs for this project.
Next Week: Shadow Knitting
Here are photos of Linda's sample swatches for next week's lesson. The first two photos are the right side of the work from the front and side view.
This is the wrong side.
Linda suggested using two highly contrasting colors for shadow knitting, so you can really see the pattern. Worsted weight yarn using size 8 needles is good, but no novelty or variegated yarn. If you do not have a magnetic chart holder, bring post it notes to help with chart reading.
Finger Puppet Challenge
A reminder: the finger weight yarn is available if you want to get started.
Stitches West Bus Trip
We still need 8 people to make this trip a go on Feb 19. The cost is $45. Irene will post an announcement on under Auburn Knit Nights and Stitches West to get the word out. Door prizes are being accepted.
Show N Tell
Penny's bright variegated scarf
Bekah bought this beautiful sequence yarn at Auburn Needleworks.
Rosemary is almost finished with her Knit One Below scarf.
Pat used yarn that her husband bought for her to make this scarf.
Karen made a cowl with baby alpaca yarn.
Cheryl knitted a scarf this week. (I love the way that Lynette is right there looking at the show n tell.)
Here is an Adult Surprise Jacket that Cheryl knitted last year.
Happy knitting!
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