Wagon Wheel Rug, June 2. Sign up with Linda. A large hula hoop is needed.
We received patterns for intarsia, and Linda went over one in class. She also showed us some of the bobbins that are available in the yarn shops. If you want to knit the patchwork purse, please order it through knitwhits.com. For class, bring 2-3 colors of yarn, needles, and bobbins. It helps to have a chart holder. Linda suggests to not mix yarn. For example, use all wool or all acrylic; no novelty yarns. Intarsia is not knitted in the round, so straight needles are okay. Carol is going to ask her mother, who is Japanese and knits, to translate the Japanese patterns.
Sacramento Knitting Guild (SCC) Visit
This coming Saturday, Apr 2, we will be visiting the Sacramento Camellia Stockinettes in Rancho Cordova around 11-ish and returning about 1 or 2-ish. Directions to the meeting are on last week's blog. Several of the ladies plan to meet for breakfast at Sweet Peas at 8 a.m. first. Linda has already called in the reservations. If you would like to carpool with them, meet around 9-ish at Sweet Peas. Please call Linda first if you did not come to class this week. Don't forget to bring any of the following items: knitted bra, celebrity icon, state flower, Nola's Challenge, bra calendar or notecards, and any other creative bit of knitting you have done. We will be stopping at Babetta's on the way to the SCC visit.
Finger Puppets
The finger puppet challenge is due the first week in May. There are a couple of hand stands left. Please bring any of the Knit Picks yarn you have to the next class, so ladies can take part of it.
Fall Session
The class theme for the Fall session is Home and Hearth. Linda showed us a picture of a huge knitted ottoman/cushion that she plans to figure out how to knit over the summer.
Stitches West 2012
We already know the date for next year: February 23-26. Linda will reserve a bus for that Saturday.
Show 'n Tell
Kelly's double knitted coasters
Karen's double knitted coasters
Cheryl's extra large felted bag
The bottom of Cheryl's bag
Cheryl's felted red tote
Karen's shawl, pattern and yarn purchased at Stitches West
Karen's beaded scarf, also from Stitches West
Irene's too large baby bootie turned bunny basket
Diana's Nuno felted scarf and flowers. She plans to sell the scarves and flowers.
Diana's scarf from her vest pattern.
Knit in the sun and enjoy!
Hey! i love how you have made your Wheel Wagon rug. Fabulous color of autumn. It's great to see how you have done the finish, with some kind of knot, as i can see. For myself, I trim the stripe with a cutter.
link is here http://cartoncotoncaroline.blogspot.com/
Caroline, Thank you for your comment and sharing your site. This rug was created by our teacher's sister. We are looking forward to her upcoming visit.
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