Saturday, May 28, 2011

Color Techniques III Wk 8

Linda demonstrated the entrelac technique. We received handouts with technique instructions and a pattern to make an entrelac cowl.

Diana received the judge's result on our finger puppets. We did not take 1st, 2d, or 3d place, but we did receive an Honorable Mention. The judge felt that we "are over the top on creativity, but low on knitting difficulty." However, she felt that people would enjoy looking at them, so we were awarded an honorable mention.

Next week is the last session. Linda suggested that we come a little earlier than 6 pm to set up for our potluck and eat. Then, knitters will spend time with Linda while the wagon wheel rug class meets at the other end of the room. Linda's sister, Nola, will be demonstrating how to hook rug, bringing extra wool to purchase for the rug, and also have her cookbook for sale.

Fall Session
The class is called "Hearth, Home, and Me." It will begin Sep 15 and end Dec 8. We will experiment knitting with other materials other than yarn too.

Show n Tell

Diana's felted entrelac bag made in a previous class.

Sandy's Fair Isle Pouch

Vickie's FI Pouch

Vickie's FI Tam

Live, Laugh, Knit!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Color Techniques III Wk 7

This week Linda demonstrated the 3 needle bind off, the Fair Isle (FI) cable technique, and showed us a sample of the FI corregated ribbing. We read through the instructions for FI cable and the ribbing that we received in class. The FI cable looks really cool.

Linda shared that the corregated ribbing is slower to do, uses only one hand instead of two, the yarn cannot be locked, and the yarn has to be moved in the appropriate direction. For the FI cable technique, it is all done in stockinette stitch, uses two hands, and is awkward to handle.

Next week we will learn to make an entrelac sample. You will need to bring two colors of worsted weight yarn and a pair of #8 straight needles.

There was also a yarn auction for the leftover fingering wt yarn used for the finger puppets. An offer was made during class, and the yarn went to a good home. By the way, Linda and Diana delivered our puppets at Cal Expo last Friday. They have not heard yet if we have been accepted to show at Cal Expo.

Last Class, Jun 2
There are two classes left this session. We will have a potluck during the last class, and a sign up sheet was passed around.

Linda's sister, Nola, will be teaching a wagon wheel rug class at that time. It is not too late to sign up. Ladies who do not want to take the rug class is encouraged to come anyway to knit with Linda. I'm sure we are all curious to meet the person who instigates Linda's wild side.

Fall Session
Linda asked us if we wanted to start the Fall class on Sep 8 and end on Dec 1, or start on Sep 15 and end on Dec 8. The class decided to start on Sep 15. The theme is Hearth and Home, and Linda has some interesting projects lined up. She hopes that all of us will be back.

Show N Tell

Diane's Fair Isle pouch

Vickie's two Fair Isle pouches: same pattern knitted tighter makes a different size

Kelly's Fair Isle bag

Lynette's baby sweater

Nancy's scarf

Happy knitting, everyone!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Color Techniques III Wk 6

I forgot to wish April and May knitters a Happy Birthday. Here it is: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Finger Puppets
The final two finger puppets are finished! Diana took them to the State Fair on Fri.

Winnie the Pooh by Linda L.

This Little Piggy Went to Market by Claudia

Fair Isle (FI) Projects
We continued the Fair Isle technique using both hands, and Linda went over the two Tam patterns. We received the tam pattern with the clock design which we read in class.

Next week is the last time for Fair Isle. Linda decided to wait until next week to go over FI with corregated ribbing and FI with cables. Bring cable needles and two colors of yarn.

On May 26, we will knit an entrelac sample.

Nancy's Fair Isle Bag

Coin Purse by Irene

Head Band by Rosemary

Vickie made these two bags. One is Fair Isle, and the other is intarsia felted.

Samples of Fair Isle Projects by Linda and Students. Linda showed us the book in the photo that showcases some of her gourd baskets. She is also a hand model for several of the pages.

Need Milk Cartons
Linda will be teaching how to make this milk carton wallet for summer camp in Florida. She is in need of milk or juice cartons.

Teri's basket made out of recycled materials such as milk carton, plastic bags, electric/phone wire, computer parts, etc.

Wagon Wheel Rug Class
This class will take place on the last day of class with Linda's sister, Nola. It is not too late to sign up. We will also have a potluck that night.

Summer Retreat
Linda recommended that we have the retreat before Aug 28 without her. Debi is looking into the dates for this event. Linda L. will send us a link to the summer house in South Lake Tahoe.

Fall Session
The theme for the Fall classes is Hearth and Home. Linda hopes we will all sign up next season.

Show n Tell

Baby blanket by Rosemary

Debi made the scarf that she is wearing. I like the group photo.

Peace, Love, Knit!

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Color Technique III Wk 5

The due date for the finger puppets has finally arrived! Photos are at the bottom. Rosemary volunteered to pick up the finger puppets this summer from Cal Expo while Diana is on vacation.

There are four sessions left: May 12, 19, 26, and Jun 2 (bonus class). We will work on Fair Isle for three weeks and hope to do some entrelac before the end. Nola, Linda's sister, will teach a wagon wheel rug class on Jun 2. However, it is still a knitting class day, so it would be nice to have all ladies present. The two classes will meet on opposite sides of the room. Linda said to think about whether we want a pot luck that night too.

Fair Isle
Linda went over handouts from our packets and new ones that she gave us in class for Fair Isle (FI). She also demonstrated this technique. Only two colors are used at a time. It is important to check your gauge since the stitches are not the same width as stockinette. FI also uses more yarn. It is traditionally done in the round.

Next week Linda will show us how to rib and make cables with FI. Bring two-colors of scrap yarn and cable needles.

Here are samples of Fair Isle made by Linda and class members.

Sandy's Intarsia Purse.

Comfort Dolls
Several of the ladies expressed an interest in making comfort dolls for children in Africa. Linda suggested that we make them over the summer and collect them during the beginning of the Fall session so we have a good amount to give to the Sacramento Stockinettes to send.

Vickie made these Comfort Dolls.

Wagon Wheel Rug Class
This class will take place on Jun 2. The materials list is available. Use cotton or wool. You can buy wool or hand dyed wool from Nola. More projects can be made with the larger hula hoop than the smaller one such as rugs and chair covers.

Summer Retreats
Debi checked into the house in downtown San Francisco. It is available for most of the summer. We decided that Aug 27-28 would be the best date, so she will look into reserving that date. There are 28 bedrooms; some are double occupancy with a bathroom. Ten to 20 rooms are single with a bathroom in the hallway.

Show n Tell

Sesame Street by Diana

Who's in Rabbit's House? by Diane

Peter Rabbit by Candi

Spamelot by Colleen

Shrek by Karen

The Simpsons by Karen

Star Wars by Sandy

Drummer Boy by Irene

Penny's felted modular purse. Lynette noticed that it matches her felted purse perfectly.

Happy knitting!

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Color Techniques III Wk 4

We are back from spring break, and we were excited to start seeing finger puppets. All of them are adorable and fantastic! By the way, all fingerpuppets are absolutely due next week. After some discussion, we decided to use double-sided sticky tape to hold the puppets in place. Karen passed out a form for us to write down information and the order of our characters for the label she is making.

Babar by Louise

Narnia by Priscilla (Linda's daughter)

Hamlet by Linda

Robin Hood by Linda

The Wizard of Oz by Debi

Under the Big Top by Kelly

The Stages of a Butterfly by Teri. In her absence, her husband kindly brought them to class.

This week Linda demonstrated the duplicate stitch to use as details on our intarsia projects.

Next week we will begin Fair Isle. Please bring two colors of scrap yarn. Think about doing one of three projects that are in our packet. Linda showed us samples of these:
1. Andean folk bag (simplest).
2. Tam using either finger wt, sport wt, or worsted wt yarn (not difficult).
3. Norwegian gloves (most difficult).

Wagon Wheel Rug
We will receive a materials list for this class next week. Debi said that Grocery Outlet carries the large hula hoops. (I bought two of the largest ones after class.) The Dollar Tree near Belair has a smaller size.

Summer Retreat
Debi and Linda L. will look into setting up a summer retreat. Most of the ladies were interested in getting together during the summer for a one night (Sat/Sun) trip. Debi will find out about the house in the Bay Area and suggested having her sister cook for us since she is a professional chef. Linda L. feels the Bay Area trip will be less complicated than the So. Lake Tahoe trip.

Cartons and Liter Bottles
Linda will help her daughter teach a summer art camp for childen in Florida this summer. She is asking us to save milk/juice cartons and 1 liter soda bottles for her. They will be making recycled art projects.

Show N Tell
Debi's Shawl using the purple yarn she won on Lorna Miser's blog.

Diana is selling these beautiful felted pins. They are $14 each, but she is selling it to us for only $12. She made copies of the delicious ginger cookies for us.

Pat made this soft, delicate garter for the bride using the couple's favorite colors.

Rosemary made several baby hats using Cascade Fixation, an elastic yarn, that she bought in Crescent City.

Cynthia made a pair of short top socks.

I hope there are no sweat, tears, or giving up on completing the finger puppets this week. Keep Calm and Happy Knitting!