Diana received the judge's result on our finger puppets. We did not take 1st, 2d, or 3d place, but we did receive an Honorable Mention. The judge felt that we "are over the top on creativity, but low on knitting difficulty." However, she felt that people would enjoy looking at them, so we were awarded an honorable mention.
Next week is the last session. Linda suggested that we come a little earlier than 6 pm to set up for our potluck and eat. Then, knitters will spend time with Linda while the wagon wheel rug class meets at the other end of the room. Linda's sister, Nola, will be demonstrating how to hook rug, bringing extra wool to purchase for the rug, and also have her cookbook for sale.
Fall Session
The class is called "Hearth, Home, and Me." It will begin Sep 15 and end Dec 8. We will experiment knitting with other materials other than yarn too.
Show n Tell
Diana's felted entrelac bag made in a previous class.
Sandy's Fair Isle Pouch
Vickie's FI Pouch
Vickie's FI Tam
Live, Laugh, Knit!
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