Friday, November 04, 2011

Hearth & Home Wk 8

It was ATC night, but we also worked on several projects. First of all, we went through all of the copies of patterns we received and discovered that two of the pages need to be recopied since they were cut off. We read through the oven mitt patterns and were given a few tips. Linda demonstrated the crochet cast on and the provisional cast on. We will continue the oven mitts next week.

Linda brought samples of ATCs.

Wire Baskets
In two weeks we will begin the wire baskets. Pattern for two sizes are available, but Linda suggests starting with the smaller one. Supplies needed are: size 9 metal needles, 30 yds of wire for the smaller basket or 90 yds of wire from the larger one (26 gauge from Joanne's or 28 gauge from the hardware store). Buy at least 35 yds of wire for the smaller one. Joanne's carries many fun colors of copper wire. Note: the smaller the wire number, the heavier the wire; the larger the wire number, the lighter the wire. These supplies can also be used for the napkin rings.

There are some available. Four colors of Cascade 220 are available to start a president. Linda typed out the pattern for shoes, stockings, and knickers for the 18th century presidents. She has already started one of hers. Sandy won last week's trivia; Jimmy Carter was the first president born in a hospital. This week's trivia: who was the first president born in a log cabin?

Free Batik Material
Leslie Rogers had extra batik material to share with the class. Great for lining small purses and bags. Please take some.

Salvation Army Donation
Linda will drop off our mittens and gloves to the Salvation Army in Roseville. They are collecting sizes from infants to adults. Keep in mind that 65% of the customers are men.

Operation Christmas Gift
Linda reminded us about gifts for Jake. Details are in last week's blog. A sign up sheet will come around next week.

Hobby Lobby
This craft store has opened in Roseville on Douglas Blvd in the old Mervyn's store. They have a good selection of fabric and some fun low-end acrylic yarn. A 40% coupon can be found online every week.

Sandy's plarn waste basket

Karen M's plarn coasters

Karen M's entrelac hat

Carol's dishcloth

Carol's comfort doll

Judith's baby surprise jacket

Candi's entrelac cowl

 Cynthia's amazing panels

Lynette's darling mittens for a grandchild

Lynette's hat and  mittens

Lynette's comfort dolls

 Karen W's market bag

Live, Laugh, Knit!

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