Monday, February 27, 2012

Stitches West 2012

We had a really fun time at Stitches. Here are a few photos of our group; I wished that I had taken more, but I got caught up in the booths. I ran into a few throughout the day. Most of the photos show them taking a break and resting from the hard work of shopping.

Leslie holding a 3D landscape knitted by the artist below.

The artist knitted both 3D landscapes and hand dyed her own yarn. These pictures are not flat. There are layers on top of each other to make them look 3D.

Claudia is going to get her hand slapped for sneaking into this vendor's candy dish.

Karen trying the different fragrances of cocoa butter.

Vickie and Judith bought the last two tiny llamas.

Karen showing Claudia the fiber pendant she bought.

The Lion Brand booth: a yarn bombed model and chair.

I liked these valances at Bagsmith's booth. They are knitted with chunky wool yarn.
The one on the left has berries hanging from the bottom.

Linda L and Sandy find a place to sit.

Coffee break

What did Pat buy? Their bags look full of goodies.

Rosemary knits while Teri looks out for the bus.

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