Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hearth & Home III Wk 1

First class of the new session! A $5 material fee was collected. Reminder: there is no class next week.  When we return from break, we will continue the panty hose rug, the yarn bomb chairs, and the presidents. 

Panty Hose Rug
We went over a pattern in our packet titled, "The Silk Stocking Rug."  It is a multiple of 4 plus 1. Linda showed us a little swatch of a panty hose rug and demonstrated how to cut the stocking for yarn. The stocking is cut just like a t-shirt.

Linda used one knee hi for this swatch. It is 13 stitches wide using size 5 needles, and it feels very sturdy. To attach the hose together, it should be sewn. Vickie and Judith decided to make their stockings into loopers instead using size 15 needles.

Yarn Bomb Chairs
Some started working on their yarn bomb chairs. First, a template was made using a paper sack. Then muslin will be cut to the shape of the chair using the template, I think. The free form pieces will be pinned on to the muslin. The pieces will then be sewn together, but not on the muslin. Linda suggests using garter stitches on the sides since it stretches, and it is the best way to trim the edge. For the legs, knit a piece then seam it, or you can try knitting it in the round. Linda will demonstrate making bullions at the next class.

Meet with Linda
There is no class next week, but Linda will meet with us next Wednesday to work on the presidents at Auburn Needleworks. Please RSVP and let her know what time you will be there. Even if you are not working on a president, you may come and knit.  The ladies will go to lunch together too.

Let's get our presidents done. The reveal is May 3 because of the state fair deadline. Leslie has already heard from a few places. Martha Stewart will give our letter to her producer for future thought. The Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter presidential libraries are closed for remodeling, but it was nice to hear from them.

Karen M. hand felted the elephant for a president. She learned a lot about elephants and the difference between the asian and african elephants during this research.

I took a photo of this unfinished president that Linda is working on to get an idea of how to finish the front of the suit. I hope it helps you too.

Presidential Trivia: Which president has a comet and two asteroids named after him?

Sip n Knit, June 7
Linda read the three choices for our sip and knit party.  The choices are the Light Tea ($23.80), the Savory ($20.00), and the Cream Tea ($11.25). For $1 extra per person, the owner will make a homemade cookie tray for us. Please see the menu on the table while you are in class.  Linda is accepting reservations until May 17. There are no refunds after May 17.

Carol made this scarf and two felted coin purses.

Jennifer knitted this scarf.

 Debi made this hat while travelling using all roving.

Have a wonderful week. Happy knitting and Happy Easter!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Hearth & Home II Wk 12

This was the last class for the 2d session. The new session begins next week. Don't forget to sign up.

Next Week's Supplies
For the new session, we will be working on a little sample project next week. Bring the following items:
A pair of panty hose or knee hi's of any color, sharp scissors, size 5 (or 6 if you are a tight knitter) straight needles.

If you are yarn bombing, bring your chair or stool, tape measure, muslin or scrap fabric, scissors, large safety pins, and yarn. An email will come in the week with patterns for us to print out. (The two emails from Linda L. came on Saturday.)

Spring Break
Two weeks from this class time, it will be spring break; we will be off.

After spring break, bring the following items:
Scrap cotton fabric, size 8 needles, tapestry needle, cotton yarn like Peaches n Cream.

Linda will meet anyone who RSVP at Auburn Needleworks on April 4 between 10 and 4. This will be a good time to get all the help you need on the presidents. These are due May 1 because of the state fair application deadline. Leslie sent letters to every presidential library, the White House, and various important places. It will be interesting to see who responds.
In case anyone is interested Linda L's brother-in-law, Kevin Leman will be interviewed on Fox & Friends on Sunday at 3:45 a.m. & Monday at 5:20 a.m. He will be talking about birth order and specifically as it relates to Presidential candidates and Presidents.

Sip and Knit
This evening event will be held on June 7 at the Power Mansion Inn. Details to come later in the session.

Claudia's hand dyed yarn using natural plants.

Irene's dizzy rug for her cats.

Claudia's sari yarn dizzy rug cushion

Rosemary's t-shirt rug

Candi's felted pan handle

Diane's doll for a school project

Rosemary's baby sweater

Sandy's scarf using a yarn called Dazzle.

Vickie made this cute fair isle beret for Judith

Knit and relax.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Hearth & Home II Wk 11

We switched it up this week! By drawing numbers that Vickie beautifully laminated, we sat in different places and mingled with new faces.

Linda demonstrated double knitting for anyone interested in making the woven rug. This rug is 32 by 24 inches and made by knitting long strips that are woven and sewn together. You do not have to gauge on this rug.

President Polk by Linda. Gold was discovered while he was in office, and his sash shows a slogan that he used.

Next week is the last week of this session. The new session begins on March 29; it will be an 8-week session. There will be no class on April 5 for spring break; however, Linda will meet anyone interested on April 4 to work on presidents at Auburn Needleworks. By the way, Auburn Needleworks is moving to Lincoln Way in mid-April.

Mar 29     New 8-week session begins

Apr 4       Presidential day at Auburn Needleworks with Linda (RSVP please)

Apr 5       No class

May 24    Last day of new session

May 31    Tentative if we want ?

Jun 7        Sip and Knit

Sandy's dizzy rug

Claudia dyed this yarn with dogwood and cuttings of something else nearby

Carol's dizzy rug trivet and tea bag

Linda's yarn caddy

Leslie is selling these yarn caddies for $10. On the other side, there is a hole to draw yarn through.

Linda and Nola wrote an article for a rug hooking magazine about their experience at Sauder Village near Archibald, OH. Linda designed this rug.

Nola designed and hooked this rug about Sauder Village.
Happy knitting!

Friday, March 09, 2012

Hearth & Home II Wk 10

It was a night for rug projects, but most of the class were working on their presidents, which are coming out very nice. Teri, Karen M, and Linda work on making the gold cords for the tags.

There are only two presidents left (Buchanan and George W. Bush) to be taken (update: Buchanan is taken). Linda mentioned that we should buy the $2.77 wooden stand at Hobby Lobby which is the middle size. Karen M. and Linda showed us how to add hair. Karen's tip is to use glue under the hair to keep it in place. She uses a glue called Unique Stitch (I think) because it dries fast and clear if you just use a dab. We also need pictures of the presidents as soon as possible so Leslie can enclose them with the letter she is writing to all the presidential libraries. Lynette called her presidential library and received a lot of good information. She also found out a lot of steamy information on Harding from that is loaded with details on the presidents.

There are only two more classes left in this session. The third session starts on March 29.

And, don't get too comfortable in your seat because starting next week we will be mixing it up in class, meeting new people.

More monsters were available to make double point needles. They went quickly.

Next Week
We will make a small sample of the Woven Woolen Rug. This is a good stash buster using a size 10.5 needle and 1-3/4 oz. of yarn.

Mermaid Class
Here is the photo of the cute mermaid that Linda will teach with PSA.

Pine Needle Basket Class
A flyer is available with the details for this class in Folsom. The date and place is mentioned in last week's blog.

Spring Break at Auburn Needle Works
On Wednesday, April 4, Linda will be at ANW to help us on the presidents. Please RSVP to let her know if you will be there, or you may miss her. We will not be in class that week for spring break.

Third Session
For the first night of the third session, 3/29, bring the following supplies if you are yarn bombing:
Chair or stool, sharp scissors, muslin or cheap solid colored fabric such as a sheet, and a tape measure.

Pat is finally done with the Golden Ratio scarf using the first 43 digits. She will be giving it as a gift this weekend.

Louise made a cute zebra pillow from one of our handouts.

Nancy is happy to have finshed her yarn caddy.

Nancy also finished her looper rug.

Claudia experimented with dying dogwood. It made this beautiful blue gray color.

Enjoy your week and knitting!

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Hearth & Home II Wk 9

We had a lot to show and tell since we just came back from Stitches West. Linda thanked everyone who donated prizes for the bus and announced that everyone won a prize. A big thank you went to Teri for the fun knit project that she made for all of us, a tea bag cozy that is also perfect for our phones. Vickie's tea cozy was eaten by her dog, who loved the tea inside; hers is the yellow one.

Linda's Spring Classes
1.  Pine Needle Class, in Folsom, on May 12 at the Murer House.
2.  Knit a Mermaid Doll (I think this is with Placer School for Adults)
3.  Our Thursday class will end this month. Sign up for the Spring session with ARD.

Rosemary volunteered to take our presidents to the State Fair and back if we are accepted. The presidents are due on May 1. Linda also announced that Leslie from the morning class is writing a letter to all the presidental libraries, the White House, Martha Stewart, Oprah Winfrey, etc. regarding displaying our presidents. She will also follow up with a phone call!  Five presidents still need to be taken: Buchanan, Pierce, Harriso, Harding, and Fillmore. Linda has already knitted four, and Karen is knitting three of them.

Karen M's president holding a telephone. Adorable!

Karen W ordered the monster finger puppets. They make cute double point needle holders. See Linda's holders below on the left.

The fingerpuppets are still at the Foresthill library. They will be taken to the Loomis library in a couple of weeks. The readers love looking at them, and the Loomis librarian cannot wait to display them.

Gloria's caddy; it is a nice, big size.

Gloria also finished her looper rug.

Sue made this pretty, soft vest.

Linda finished the sweater that was inspired by Teri.

Happy knitting!