Panty Hose Rug
We went over a pattern in our packet titled, "The Silk Stocking Rug." It is a multiple of 4 plus 1. Linda showed us a little swatch of a panty hose rug and demonstrated how to cut the stocking for yarn. The stocking is cut just like a t-shirt.
Linda used one knee hi for this swatch. It is 13 stitches wide using size 5 needles, and it feels very sturdy. To attach the hose together, it should be sewn. Vickie and Judith decided to make their stockings into loopers instead using size 15 needles.
Yarn Bomb Chairs
Some started working on their yarn bomb chairs. First, a template was made using a paper sack. Then muslin will be cut to the shape of the chair using the template, I think. The free form pieces will be pinned on to the muslin. The pieces will then be sewn together, but not on the muslin. Linda suggests using garter stitches on the sides since it stretches, and it is the best way to trim the edge. For the legs, knit a piece then seam it, or you can try knitting it in the round. Linda will demonstrate making bullions at the next class.
Meet with Linda
There is no class next week, but Linda will meet with us next Wednesday to work on the presidents at Auburn Needleworks. Please RSVP and let her know what time you will be there. Even if you are not working on a president, you may come and knit. The ladies will go to lunch together too.
Let's get our presidents done. The reveal is May 3 because of the state fair deadline. Leslie has already heard from a few places. Martha Stewart will give our letter to her producer for future thought. The Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter presidential libraries are closed for remodeling, but it was nice to hear from them.
Karen M. hand felted the elephant for a president. She learned a lot about elephants and the difference between the asian and african elephants during this research.
I took a photo of this unfinished president that Linda is working on to get an idea of how to finish the front of the suit. I hope it helps you too.
Presidential Trivia: Which president has a comet and two asteroids named after him?
Sip n Knit, June 7
Linda read the three choices for our sip and knit party. The choices are the Light Tea ($23.80), the Savory ($20.00), and the Cream Tea ($11.25). For $1 extra per person, the owner will make a homemade cookie tray for us. Please see the menu on the table while you are in class. Linda is accepting reservations until May 17. There are no refunds after May 17.
Carol made this scarf and two felted coin purses.
Jennifer knitted this scarf.
Debi made this hat while travelling using all roving.
Have a wonderful week. Happy knitting and Happy Easter!
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