Friday, May 18, 2012

Hearth & Home III Wk 7

It was the last night to sign up for Sip n Knit that will be held at the Powers Mansion Inn. This fun evening of eating and knitting will be held on Thursday, June 7, from 6 to 8:30 p.m.

Linda spent quite some time going over several afghan patterns and showed us the pictures in color. For the plarn afghan, use size 11 needles instead of 17 and cut the bags into 1-1/4 inch strips instead of 3/4 inch strips. The other patterns were the Tobin squares, the mosaic knitting afghan, Pick a Letter afghan, Stars and Hearts shadow knitting afghan, and the Tea Time pot cozy.

Last Class
Next week is our last class, but we decided to knit together in class on May 31 too since ARD will allow us to do so. Linda will be on an Alaskan cruise with her family that week.

Please Don't Forget to Register
A few students were not able to register for this current class online. If you have not registered through ARD, please do so as soon as possible. Linda needs to submit her enrollment fee in order to be paid for this spring semester.

Rosemary will be taking the presidents to Cal Expo this Friday to enter them into the State Fair. She had to detach the presidents from their stands so the judges can pick them up if necessary. Linda asked the class if she should ask the judges for their criteria on what we are being judged on later in the summer. Everyone thought that would be a good idea.

Next Week
Since most of us do not know the reason for the props chosen for the presidents, we will be giving a brief explanation on why we knitted or used certain props for our president.

Fall Class
The Fall class will start on September 13 and end the first Thursday in December. Linda would like to focus on textures and showed us a picture of the Gansey sweater sampler that we will be making. Several ladies would like to buy the book for this class. It is called, "Knitting Ganseys" by Beth Brown Reinsel. A Gansey is a British wool fisherman's sweater.

We will also be knitting the Amna sweater #11685D below from the new Knit Picks catalog. If you buy this pattern, you can get a 15% discount on the yarn. This pattern says it is for $2.99, but it will ring up at $7.99, so you must contact Knit Picks to let them know what the price is in the catalog and they will honor the cheaper price.

Another project will be textured yarn ball holders.

Yarn Bomb Chairs
Linda explained what the fabric was for on the yarn bomb chairs. It is used as a guide to place your pieces on for size and shape. The knitted pieces are pinned together but not to the fabric, then when it covers the whole fabric, it is sewn together but not to the fabric. This may sound confusing on paper.

Summer Knitting
Teri has once again invited us to her nice cabin in Kingvale for a day of fun and knitting. This event will be held on Saturday, July 21. A sign up sheet will be passed around next week or at Sip n Knit. We will carpool together and bring our own sack lunch. We had so much fun playing games and being together several years ago at her place.

Teri spun her yarn and knitted it into this scarf with charms on the ends.

Sandy's oval rug. It is a good size.

Here are Candi and Linda's cable grocery bag holders.

Diane's friend is selling these pretty yarn bowls for $30 each. 

Vickie received this cute needle gauge for Mother's Day.

Boy, are we getting computer savvy!  Here Rosemary and Sue look online for a book during class. Linda has one too, as well as many others who use their smart phones.

Happy knitting!

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