Friday, June 01, 2012

Free Knitting Night

Best News Ever
The presidents placed 1st at the State Fair! The judge's comment was "This is the most ambitious use of knitting I have seen, so clever and thoughtfully researched. I especially like George W." We had a little discussion deciding who the judge meant by George W: George Washington, George H. W. Bush, or George W Bush. Once again, thank you, Rosemary, for taking our presidents to the State Fair. We decided to celebrate our win with some snacks which turned out to be a wonderful spread.

Candi made this celebratory sign, and Carol brought the decorations.

We had so much good food. Here's some of it.

About 20 of us came to knit. We say, "Hi Linda. Hope you are enjoying your vacation! We miss you."

We liked this seating arrangement. We could finally talk to the ladies at the other table, and everyone had an enjoyable evening. We also missed Gloria, Claudia, Lynette, and Vickie.

Diane brought her cute bags to sell. The bags are made from skirts and shorts.

Sip n Knit, June 7
Don't forget, this event is Thursday at the Powers Inn Mansion on Harrison near Elm. Meet at 6 p.m. It is the first parking lot you come to on the right on Harrison. You will walk down a hill to the entrance. Bring your knitting.

Teri's Summer Knit Together, July 21
Teri has invited us to her nice cabin in Kingvale. If you are interested, there is a sign up list. We are to bring our own sack lunch and knitting. Teri will supply drinks and desserts. Carpool and time to be arranged later.

Karen made this lovely lace reversible poncho.

Karen also made the two beautiful doilies.

Congratulations to Cynthia!  She is the new knit and crochet instructor at Michael's in Roseville.

Cynthia crocheted all of these gorgeous doilies.

Nancy is knitting this oval rug. She has another round to go in a beautiful burnt orange/red color.

Happy knitting, everyone!

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