Friday, August 10, 2012

Dates to Remember

Hi. Hope your summer is going well. Here are a few dates to note:

Sep 7-9 (Postponed)
SF Knitting Trip at the Daughters of the Golden West mansion. Debi writes, "I have ran into a snag with the NDGW Home. We are in the process of hiring new staff and have a vacancy at the present time. The newest employee also just had a foot injury and is not fully recovered. I think our group will overwhelm new and temporary staff. I have postponed our trip until later in the year possibly December ? We can discuss it when class resumes in September. Please relay my announcement and give my regrets to all but that we will plan on later trip in the year."

Sep 13   
Linda's ARD class begins. Registration starts on Aug 27. Here is a photo of the Gansey sweater sample we will be learning in class.

Oct 6-7
Lambtown USA, Dixon. I am including this date just in case you want to be a part of setting a world record at this festival. They need 1200 knitters to knit for 15 minutes at noon on Sunday, Oct 7. The website is listed under "Knitting Events" on the left side of this blog. There is an application form.

Happy knitting!

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