Hi. Thanks to Linda L. who came to my rescue and took notes for me since I was late to class. This week we saw beautiful finished totes by Candi, Julie, Ruth, Teri, and Vickie. Bea showed us just how big the double size one is before felting; it is huge -- can't wait to see it felted. Teri already finished a felted box, and either Barbara or Jan (I'm still trying to memorize everyone's name) brought three cute knitted purses for show 'n tell. I'm sorry I didn't have a camera tonight; I really want to get photos to display here since your projects are inspiring me to finish.
Linda, our instructor, finished her Bolsita de Monedera from Argentina, a small bag with smaller outside bags attached. A drawing of the pattern was handed out, and she explained the pattern in class. She is starting the #1 bag with bright colors of variegated purple and lime green, which she used to demonstrate the fair isle technique. She plans to use a 3-needle bind off for the bottom of the bag to make all colors match at the seam.
There are two more sessions before Spring Break which is the first week of April. At the March 29 class, Linda will have information and a supply list for mosaic knitting which will start after break.
Class Extension
There seems to be enough students interested in having an extension to the class in May (5/3, 17, 24, and 31). We need at least 12 students.
New Knitting Term
Steeks = extra stitches added in Fair Isle knitting. (In case you run across this word in some instructions.)
Gem Show
If you like gems, jewelry, fossils, or polished stones, there is a local gem show for all ages coming up at the Placer County Fairground in Roseville the weekend of March 24 sponsored by the Rock 'n Roller Gem and Mineral Society. Get information from Vickie who will be working in the snack area. I've been going for years to pick up gifts and small things for myself.
Have a great week knitting and embellishing your projects. We are having way too much fun!
Somehow my S.O.S. comment ended up on the March 10 post.
If anyone sees this and can HELP, please go to the first comment for March 10.
~ Bev
See answer for March 10.
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