It was nice to see each other again. The evening was lively as we caught up on holiday events and knitting projects, cut circles from paper for Linda’s art class, learned how to play backgammon, and looked through the new 2008 knitting calendar. Vicki showed us a cool T‑shirt she received for Christmas and Louise suggested having shirts made; she will ask her daughter to design a logo for our class. Three new ladies from the beginning knit class joined our extension; welcome Trish, Donna, and Andrea.
Linda went over the backgammon pattern, especially the part on wrapping since it prevents large holes in the project. She says to ignore the words “P3tog tbl” (purl 3 together through back loop) at the end of the P wrap definition. Also, K wrap and K2 wraps mean the same thing, so does P wrap and P2 wraps. Note when wrapping, the second picked up stitch must be placed completely over the first picked up stitch. And, the diamonds alternate colors on each side and across from each other. If you do not want to use the pattern for backgammon, it also makes into a bag or purse; I think it can be used as a table runner too.
Dates to Remember
January 10 and 17 The extension will be held for two weeks only.
January 15 Registration starts for Spring classes
January 17 Second Trim Challenge contest
January 24 No class
January 31 Spring class starts: Vests & Free Form
See you next week. Don’t forget the trim challenge. And, Happy Birthday January girls! Knit on!
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