Happy Valentine’s Day! Slowly but surely, the room filled up, even though it was Valentine’s evening and several were away with family and friends. We missed all who were absent, but we're glad you spent time with loved ones.
Free Form Purse
Linda brought a framework that can be used for a free form purse along with a wonderful book by the same author (Prudence Mapstone) from Australia titled "Never Too Many Handbags." The free form pieces are sewed onto the black plastic framework to create the purse. It is a nice size and comes in two halves; it can be purchased through Auburn Needleworks, so can the free form book. However, they are not mandatory since you can make anything you like such as a collar, jacket, vest, small purse, etc. Diane also brought a sock book with a picture of free form socks; they are cute. By the way, Linda’s book is not for sale on Amazon.com since it is a self-published book by the author in Australia; she purchased hers at Auburn Needleworks. I like Prudence Mapstone's website, knotjustknitting.com, for free form ideas; click on the tab, Gallery, for photos. This site also mentions how to order the books.
Color choices for free form was also discussed. Linda suggested to stay in the same color family, but add complimentary colors and fibers to break up the monotony. For example, a purse made of shades of red should have some green or another complimentary color added to make it pop. Adding Fun Fur and/or fuzzy yarn will help blend and soften plain ol' worsted weight. Sharing scraps of yarn with each other instead of purchasing new yarn will save us all room and money. What a great way to use up scraps in our yarn stash which, in many cases, are hidden in multiple bins, baskets, bags, drawers, closets…
Economy of Time
For the sake of saving time, you may want to go ahead and order the framework or the book. Also start looking for fun buttons for your vest. Linda suggested looking at The Tin Thimble in Newcastle on Taylor Road; not all the buttons are out on display, so you have to ask to see them. Auburn Needleworks and Filati’s also have good buttons. Linda is using two buttons for her vest even though it calls for one; it is up to you how many you want to use on the vest. When you are close to the end of the vest, you will need the buttons to determine what size button holes to make.
Monday & Tuesday Knitting
Don’t forget to stop & knit on Monday or Tuesday evenings. Next week, class will be cancelled on Monday for President’s Day, but open on Tuesday. Only one student came to knit this week, so come on out.
Stitches West 2008
This huge knitting event is coming up February 22-24 at the Santa Clara Convention Center. A couple of students are going with friends and family on Friday and Sunday, and a few from class are taking the Amtrak Stitch n' Ride on February 23 to experience the train ride and shop at the knitters' Market Place. We will be carpooling to the Sacramento train station from Auburn. Let me know if you are interested in joining us (to email me, click on the little white envelope at the end of this blog or write in the comment box). Tickets can still be ordered online. Click under "Knitting Events" on the left side of this blog for more information.
Joyce H. has asked to be removed from our group email list since she is not taking the class at this time. Please remember to delete the following from your list: joycehouse@softcom.net. Thank you.
In the meantime, keep on knittin’!
I was visiting with family out of town last night, getting back to Auburn just past 7:30. Was tempted to stop in on class, but I plumb ran out of energy. Missed you all.
So happy your class notes are so thorough! Keeps me 'in the knitting loop'. Wonderful show n' tell projects! Great info on freeform!
And, thank you for your comment. I added two more sections at the end of the blog since you logged on.
Irene, as always great notes and love the pictures. Everyone has been busy. Had a wonderful Valentine Birthday dinner with my husband, daughter and son in law. See you next week.
Thanks, Liz. Glad you had a good time. Looking forward to seeing you Thursday.
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