No kidding--our class is huge! Having missed last week, I imagined a large class, but you just have to be there to experience it. It's exciting! It's nice to meet new students and see continuing students again. Linda was busy every minute answering our questions. A great big "thank you" to Linda for taking all of us; we appreciate you.
Check Gauge and Help Jane
There were two sheets of exercises to complete in class on calculating gauge and needle sizes. These exercises were so helpful in figuring out how many stitches or rows are needed for knitting a garment to fit perfectly.
One Class
A small group signed up for the Friday class, so it has been cancelled. We will meet altogether on Thursday evening. Linda reminded us that we are welcome to come on Monday and/or Tuesday evenings to knit in the "side gallery."
Next Fall
Already thinking ahead, Linda is putting together projects for the Fall class. Bea suggested having an easy to intermediate level, so it looks like more fun will come our way.
Again, thinking ahead, Linda announced that projects for this Spring's extension may include socks, more free form and, by popular demand, the modular purse.
In defense of wool, Linda took time to explain that one may not be allergic to wool, but just using the wrong kind on the skin. Merino wool is soft and can be worn next to one's skin, whereas a #9 wool is not meant to be worn next to the skin but used as an outer garment such as a vest. The bigger the number of the wool, the farther it should be from one's skin. So, don't be afraid of wool.
Purchasing yarn and gauging should be completed this week, and we should start working on our vests. Please don't quit the class if you feel overwhelmed; take your time and ask a lot of questions.
Have a pleasant week. Knit on, ladies!
Irene, Great notes as always. As you know have my granddaughter this week and the little germ bug gave me a cold. Not only that after working the elections, I got a sore throat and lost my voice. Still can't talk above a wisper. Was going to try coming to class yesterday but still felt very lousy. Liz
Sorry to hear about the cold; we missed you last night. Thank you very much for taking classnotes last week; the first night has the most notes to cover.
Greetings from Arizona!
After arriving in Arizona to rain and snow we are finally having warm weather. I am sure missing Knitting class and all of you and will have to miss one more week. At least I can vicariously enjoy it thru the blog. I will probably be playing catch-up the whole semester! Linda L.
Hi Linda,
Glad to hear from you since I was wondering how you are doing in Arizona. We miss you too.
Linda, Glad to hear you finally are getting some warmer weather in AZ. The weather the last 2 days has been absolutely beautiful, although we are suppose to go into a cold spell after tomorrow. So I finished with pruning my roses. I won't be class this week either as Thursday is my birthday and the family is taking me out to dinnner. I might stop by if we get done early enough, not quite sure as yet. Enjoy your self and we will see you when you get.
I LOVE the sweaters on the man and woman on the bank. Where oh where can I get the patterns, I wonder?!?
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