Charts, Measure, Lock
A dice pattern was given to us tonight so you can drape a pair to go over your rearview mirror. A diagram was drawn on the blackboard to show us how it should be assembled.
Linda demonstrated how to measure how much yarn is needed to do a small fill in intarsia by CO 10 stitches, and then knit 10 in another color. Cut the ends off the yarn we just knitted, undo it, measure the yarn we just unraveled with a ruler, count how many stitches we will need to fill in the pattern, do a mathematical formula, and add 12 inches of yarn to that for extra take up. It’s not as bad as it sounds here.
She also showed us how to knit the tail into your knitting so you will not have to finish ends when you are all done by knitting the tail in every other stitch. So, every other stitch take tail up, knit a stitch, take tail down, knit a stitch…
Don’t forget to lock the yarn so there are no holes in your project.
Before knitting, precount the stitches in the row and place the numbers at the bottom of the chart along with the color it corresponds with. Linda showed us on the blackboard.
The intarsia video by Lucy Neatby explains the reason we should not strand yarn and that stranding yarn is not intarsia. Several examples of the wrong way we might knit a diamond were demonstrated and how it will come apart in the long run. For a good piece of intarsia work, do it right – no stranding please.

Next Week
Linda will show us how to design our own chart. Also, the big label project reveal is next week! She will actually show us what we will be making and letting us know what other items we will need to bring to class for the label project which will be after the Thanksgiving break, Dec. 4.
Note Cards and Calendar
Orders and payment for the bra note cards and calendars were taken in class. Calendars are $12 each, and the note cards (6 in each set) are $10 each. If you would like the whole set of note cards, order 2 sets. A bonus card of all bras plus envelopes will be included in a set of note cards. A minimum of 25 sets is needed for Louise to put in an order. She is ordering 50 of each set this weekend, so it is important to get your order and money in right away.
Garage Sale
A huge garage sale is taking place in Colfax this Friday, Nov 14. Contact Karen for info.
Diane’s daughter is having a clothes sale this Thursday through Saturday in Loomis.
Candy Classes
Cathy is teaching cooking classes with Adult Ed. A candy making class will be held on Nov. 18. Learn to make peanut butter cups, almond joys, peppermint patties, chocolate suckers, and much more. On Dec. 2 and 9, she will be teaching how to make gingerbread houses. Classes will be held at Chana High School. Enroll soon.
Schedule (Dates were incorrect; corrected on 11/21)
Nov 20, class
Nov 27, no class
Dec 4, yarn label project
Dec 11, garage sale
Dec 18, Christmas party and vendor sale
Just received my Stitch n' Ride newsletter from Capitol Corridor. Vickie, Teri, Linda L., and I are in it. Wow!

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