Linda went over the five intarsia charts that were given to us tonight and showed us the color version from her books. She also reviewed when and where to lock yarn when knitting in intarsia. In two weeks, she will teach us how to design our own intarsia charts.
Never wait to strand more than 3 stitches without locking. Linda locks every other strand. Strand loosely.
Do not strand yarn on the back of the hearts; that will cause them to pucker.
When finishing tails, weave them diagonally instead of horizontal or vertical. You will probably need to weave into other colors. Use common sense.
Craft Fair
The Methodist Church in Meadow Vista is having their Placer Hills Christmas Craft Fair this Saturday, Nov. 8. All proceeds will go to help people living in the Appalachian Mountains. Contact Georgia with questions.
Candy Classes
Cathy is teaching cooking classes with Adult Ed. A candy making class will be held on Nov. 18. Learn to make peanut butter cups, almond joys, peppermint patties, chocolate suckers, and much more. On Dec. 2 and 9, learn to make gingerbread houses. Enrollment is still being accepted; classes will be held at Chana High School.
The challenge winners won skeins of Fun Fur and/or Incredible by Lion Brand.
Enjoy your knitting time!

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