How are the dolls coming along? I am almost finished with mine. I thought the face would be the hardest to do, but it turned out the outfit is harder for me. I knitted a dress but it made my doll look fat, so I am trying to sew. Yikes!
Diana sent several emails about the dolls, the stands, and the exhibits. She and Linda are willing to each make a trip to get the doll stands so they will be uniform. They want the 7 1/2 inch white stand. The cost is $2.25 at Joanne's, and slightly higher at Michael's at $2.79 plus tax. If your Icon is such that it does not need a stand (i.e. Karen's Stevie Wonder is sitting at a piano) that is fine. They need a total of how many to purchase. So email Diana back if you want them to get you one asap.
Bring your icon to Cabin fever right before the Art Walk on Thursday 6/11 by 5 or 5:15 OR make arrangements with Diana before then.
Diana has also sent off the state fair entry. If anyone who is making a icon for the Art Walk does not wish to have her icon at the State Fair for several weeks, please let her know.
Kingvale/Truckee Road Trip
At Diana's Icon Workshop, 12 ladies signed up to carpool to Teri's summer place in Kingvale. I have heard from two more since then. If you plan to go but not carpool with us, please let me know so we know how many to expect. It's still early, so carpool arrangements will be prepared later. Teri has written a very nice flyer that will be emailed to everyone soon. There's going to be games and prizes! She would also like to take a group picture with our Knotty Knitter shirts on, so 4 weeks should be enough time to workout to fit into them again (hee hee).
Yarn Shop Hop 2009 & Tahoe Knitting Cruise
The shop hop is this week. Teri sent information from the Lake Tahoe Yarn Co owner who wrote: "I guess the most exciting event coming is the SHOP HOP. I've already had people in the shop who are doing a dry run. Holy Moly!! That's some serious yarn shopping.LOL I have flyers about the event at the shop and the passports ( The important item you must have ) will arrive soon. Remember, it's from June 3-7. There are shops in Auburn, Grass Valley, Elk Grove, Placerville, Modesto and Sacramento. It should be a fun 5 days. If your shopping with the hop be sure to mention it because there are discounts for the Hopper. I'm offering 10% off plus all the drawings. Remember to check your email the day before, there will be a coupon for just my store. It a drawing for just those of you on the email list for $50.00."
She also wrote that there is a "Tahoe Knitting Cruise and Book Signing Saturday July 18th, 12:30 pm at the Lighthouse Shopping Center. 3 1/2 hour cruise to Emerald Bay. Please call to sign up for the cruise and let me know at that time if you need a book, "Faith, Hope Love,Knitting."
Lake Tahoe Yarn Company
10250 Donner Pass Rd
Truckee CA 96161
Tues - Sat 10:00 - 5:30
Sun 11 - 5
Closed Mondays
Knit on!
These notes were taken from classes taught by Linda Pietz that I attended. Sadly, all photos from the year 2006 to 2012 were accidentally deleted and not retrievable.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Icon Workshop

There was a lovely turnout for the Icon Workshop at Diana’s beautiful home, and we had a very nice time. Several ladies finished their icons, which were well done, and brought them to show us. We also shared tips, materials, and ideas with each other on how to finish our dolls. There were also ladies there working on other projects such as the BSJ, and we were glad to see them.
Fran brought an apple pie, a bag of yarn, and cute curly red hair made from straw and starch for the icons. Nancy brought fresh lavender from her yard and a big bag of acrylic yarn to give away. Colleen brought roving and buttons to share. Diana made brownies and served lemonade and ice tea.
Several announcements were made for the Art Walk and icon showing, Fall class, Summer knit together, and a Yarn Shop Hop.
Art Walk and Icon Showing
We have been approved to be in the Art Walk on June 11 from 6-9 pm. Cabin Fever (quilt shop) has allowed us to show the icons in the classroom in the back of the store. Linda suggests we support Cabin Fever by visiting the store, buy something, and tell her thank you.
To get people's attention, the title of our display has been changed from “Knitted Icons” to “Knitted Celebrity Sculptures.” Diana would like a volunteer to make a nice sign that will be set up on the sidewalk; Diana will supply the poster board. The sign will say something like, “Placer School for Adults presents the Knotty Knitters’ Knitted Celebrity Sculptures.”
Please drop off your knitted icon at Diana’s before June 11 or show up with your icon by 5:15 pm that evening. Let Diana know if you would like to help keep an eye on the display and answer questions that evening; last year we took turns and had a lot of fun seeing visitors’ reactions and answering questions. Karen M. has volunteered to make the name cards for each icon; email Diana and Karen M. with the official title of your icon and the correct spelling of your first and last name. Also, each person is in charge of getting their own 7-1/2 inch doll stand; call Joanne’s or Beverly’s first before driving down there.
Fall Class
Linda has made a decision regarding the location for the Fall advanced class. She is signing up with the Auburn Recreation Department (ARD). The class will start some time mid September at the Canyon View classroom on Maidu. It is a beautiful room with air conditioning, heat, nice restrooms, and spacious parking. The session will be 12 weeks at a cost of $65 for Auburn residents and $70 for non-residents. We must have a minimum of 24 students, and Linda will not have classes for us again if there are not at least 24 students to make it a go. She is hoping to have three 12-week sessions a year. Registration will not be a problem like it was at Placer School for Adults (PSA); we will not have to worry about missing registration right on the first day. Classes at PSA would be $126 for 12 weeks. Linda L. will email us beforehand with information.
Summer Knit Together
Teri has invited the Knotty Knitters to knit together at her summer home in Kingvale. The date is Saturday, June 27, from 11 am to 4 pm. Linda suggests we drive up to Truckee first to visit a yarn shop and a bead shop since it is not too far from Kingvale. Teri would like us to bring a sack lunch; she will provide dessert and beverage. A carpool signup sheet was started at Diana’s. Irene will organize the carpool arrangement; drivers will receive $5 from each passenger. You can email Irene if you would like to carpool and whether you be like to be a driver or passenger. If you plan to go on your own, please let Teri or I know so we know how many to expect.
Yarn Shop Hop
The 2009 Yarn Shop Hop is taking place on June 3-7. It will cover shops from Truckee through Modesto. Auburn Needle Works has a flyer with details. This year there are 15 participating shops. The grand prize will be $750 of gift certificates. Don’t stress if you can’t make it to every destination because this year all the shops will be having their own SALES and DRAWINGS. Each shop will be offering a free pattern for a 12” square along with 1 skein of Cascade 220 for only $4.65 to create an Afghan with. A passport is available at the following participating yarn shops: Auburn Needleworks, Babetta’s Yarn and Gifts, Fibers, Filati, Knitique, Knit-Witz Yarn Boutique, Lake Tahoe Yarn Company, Lofty Lou’s, Meadow Farm Yarn Studio, Reynold’s Knittin’ Pretty Yarn Shop, Rumpilstilskin, Sierra Knitting Co., The Urban Sheep, The Knitting Room, and The Yarn Shoppe.
Linda’s Summer Classes
There is still room in some of Linda’s summer classes. Please call as soon as possible to reserve a space to learn how to make a gourd and pine needle basket (June 8 or 18), a basic round pine needle basket (June 22 or 25), and a farmer’s tool tote (July 7 or 9).
Happy knitting!

Thursday, May 14, 2009
This Week's Update
It's only a week, but I miss you all already.
Baby Items
I heard from Karen M. this week. She writes: "Well after a week's road trip to Washington, I've finally caught my breath and just gotten off the phone with Peace For Families, which is the new women's shelter that was opened. Unfortunately, they had such a huge influx of donated items after the opening, that they simply have no room to store any more items; which, I must say, is really a good thing. However, the women I talked to told me about a place called Kids First, which is just down the road from where we were taking our classes. I talked to them and they said they would love to have the clothing we made in class. Their web site is:" The items are being delivered this Friday.

Icon Workshop on May 21, Thursday from 6:30-8:30 at Diana’s
Here's is the information Diana sent us via email and passed around in the last class. I deliberately left out the phone numbers here, so please check the email message sent us on May 5.
"Need the motivation of others to get your icon doll finished (or started!)?
Bring all your materials and we can work together. I have a sewing machine and a hot glue gun, tons of felt, tons of embroidery floss, needles and thread, rick rak, etc.
If you are not making an icon, or are finished with your icon, come anyway and hang out and knit!
From Hwy 49 going south, take a right on Nevada St.
Turn right on Mt. Vernon Rd. and go about .2 miles and turn right on Grove Ct. (after the apartments and before Merry Knoll).
Ours is the 5th house on the left, 1245 Grove Ct. We have a shared driveway, please park on the street.
From Hwy 49 going north, turn left at Palm Ave. Palm becomes Mt. Vernon Rd. at the Nevada St. stoplight. Go straight through the stoplight, now you are on Mt. Vernon Rd. and go about .2 miles and turn right on Grove Ct. Ours is the 5th house on the left.
From I-80 West take the Nevada St. exit and continue on Nevada St.
Past the post office and Eisley’s Nursery, turn left on Mt Vernon Rd. and see above.
From I-80 East, take the Maple St. exit.
Turn left and go over the freeway overpass.
Turn left at the stop sign (Placer St.).
At the next stop sign, turn right onto Nevada St.
Continue on Nevada St. then turn left on Mt. Vernon Rd. and see above.
Stuff to know about the Art Walk
Thursday June 11th. Venue to be determined. 6:00 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Each icon will have a card labeling the name of the icon and your first and last name. Please email me the exact spelling of both, or you run the risk of having your card not being perfect! You may drop off your icon at the event that night at 5:30, or you may drop it at my house or workplace any time before the event. Call me with any suggestions or questions!"
Club Location Update
Linda wrote that she had a great meeting with ARD that might be a solution for us. I don't know any other details, but I'm glad to hear it was a good meeting.
Take care, everyone. See you at Diana's. Happy knitting!
Baby Items
I heard from Karen M. this week. She writes: "Well after a week's road trip to Washington, I've finally caught my breath and just gotten off the phone with Peace For Families, which is the new women's shelter that was opened. Unfortunately, they had such a huge influx of donated items after the opening, that they simply have no room to store any more items; which, I must say, is really a good thing. However, the women I talked to told me about a place called Kids First, which is just down the road from where we were taking our classes. I talked to them and they said they would love to have the clothing we made in class. Their web site is:" The items are being delivered this Friday.
Icon Workshop on May 21, Thursday from 6:30-8:30 at Diana’s
Here's is the information Diana sent us via email and passed around in the last class. I deliberately left out the phone numbers here, so please check the email message sent us on May 5.
"Need the motivation of others to get your icon doll finished (or started!)?
Bring all your materials and we can work together. I have a sewing machine and a hot glue gun, tons of felt, tons of embroidery floss, needles and thread, rick rak, etc.
If you are not making an icon, or are finished with your icon, come anyway and hang out and knit!
From Hwy 49 going south, take a right on Nevada St.
Turn right on Mt. Vernon Rd. and go about .2 miles and turn right on Grove Ct. (after the apartments and before Merry Knoll).
Ours is the 5th house on the left, 1245 Grove Ct. We have a shared driveway, please park on the street.
From Hwy 49 going north, turn left at Palm Ave. Palm becomes Mt. Vernon Rd. at the Nevada St. stoplight. Go straight through the stoplight, now you are on Mt. Vernon Rd. and go about .2 miles and turn right on Grove Ct. Ours is the 5th house on the left.
From I-80 West take the Nevada St. exit and continue on Nevada St.
Past the post office and Eisley’s Nursery, turn left on Mt Vernon Rd. and see above.
From I-80 East, take the Maple St. exit.
Turn left and go over the freeway overpass.
Turn left at the stop sign (Placer St.).
At the next stop sign, turn right onto Nevada St.
Continue on Nevada St. then turn left on Mt. Vernon Rd. and see above.
Stuff to know about the Art Walk
Thursday June 11th. Venue to be determined. 6:00 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Each icon will have a card labeling the name of the icon and your first and last name. Please email me the exact spelling of both, or you run the risk of having your card not being perfect! You may drop off your icon at the event that night at 5:30, or you may drop it at my house or workplace any time before the event. Call me with any suggestions or questions!"
Club Location Update
Linda wrote that she had a great meeting with ARD that might be a solution for us. I don't know any other details, but I'm glad to hear it was a good meeting.
Take care, everyone. See you at Diana's. Happy knitting!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Cardigans & Steeks, 12
Rosemary's Cardigan

Vickie's Colorful Cardigan

Linda Pietz by Diane

Diana as Linda

Linda opening a card and gift from all of us.

It was our last class for the spring, but we had a very good time. We went over announcements, ate good food, had show n’ tell, and played Olympic Knitting Games in teams of four. The game categories were Spoon/Ball Race, Knitting Relay, Cleansing Dash, Tandem Knitting, Yarn Wrap, and Stitch in the Dark.


Club Locations to Look Into
Linda said she hasn’t heard anything more about the Fall classes, but thinks the sessions would be $60 for 6 weeks. There would be two sessions per semester making it about $120. So more places to check are the fairgrounds (good price but may need liability insurance) and EV Cain. Linda will call Auburn Recreation Department and also find out about a room at EV Cain. Our committee leaders for our Knotty Knitter Club are Linda L., Bea, Louise, and Laurie. Linda L. will send us an email this summer with club information.
Knitted Icon Workshop
Diana gave us handouts for the Icon Workshop at her house on May 21. It will start at 6:30 p.m. She also sent out an email this week with the details. If you are already done with your icon, come anyway for the fun. Linda bought several doll stands at Joanne’s for $2, and she suggested we purchase the doll stands as a group instead of individually driving down to the store.
Dolly Parton by Mary Jane

Albert Einstein by Colleen, Linda's art student

Captain Jack Sparrow by Colleen

Summer Get Together
Teri has invited the Knotty Knitters to knit together at her summer home in Kingvale. We voted to meet on Saturday, June 27. Teri will let us know if that date works for her. Irene will organize the carpool arrangement with passengers paying $5 to the driver.
Linda’s Summer Classes
A new handout was passed around with corrected dates. There is no class on June 11 for Gourd and Pine Needle Basket as indicated in last week’s handout; it will be held on June 18 instead.

Lynn’s Memory Quilt
Lynn passed around quilt blocks for each knitter to write her name and a knitting phrase. She is going to make a memory quilt with the blocks.
There was a sign up sheet to purchase raspberries from Nancy. The cost is $3 a basket (10-12 oz). She will contact us in June or July.
Top Down Pattern
Cynthia is missing page 40 from a Top Down sweater pattern she borrowed. If you have the book she copied from, please contact her. Cynthia also had Home Show tickets for anyone interested. Some tickets were for free admission and some were 2 for 1.
Have a wonderful summer. I hope to see you at the Art Walk on June 11 and at Teri's place on June 27. Happy Knitting!
Olympic Knitting Games

Vickie's Colorful Cardigan

Linda Pietz by Diane

Diana as Linda

Linda opening a card and gift from all of us.

It was our last class for the spring, but we had a very good time. We went over announcements, ate good food, had show n’ tell, and played Olympic Knitting Games in teams of four. The game categories were Spoon/Ball Race, Knitting Relay, Cleansing Dash, Tandem Knitting, Yarn Wrap, and Stitch in the Dark.


Club Locations to Look Into
Linda said she hasn’t heard anything more about the Fall classes, but thinks the sessions would be $60 for 6 weeks. There would be two sessions per semester making it about $120. So more places to check are the fairgrounds (good price but may need liability insurance) and EV Cain. Linda will call Auburn Recreation Department and also find out about a room at EV Cain. Our committee leaders for our Knotty Knitter Club are Linda L., Bea, Louise, and Laurie. Linda L. will send us an email this summer with club information.
Knitted Icon Workshop
Diana gave us handouts for the Icon Workshop at her house on May 21. It will start at 6:30 p.m. She also sent out an email this week with the details. If you are already done with your icon, come anyway for the fun. Linda bought several doll stands at Joanne’s for $2, and she suggested we purchase the doll stands as a group instead of individually driving down to the store.
Dolly Parton by Mary Jane

Albert Einstein by Colleen, Linda's art student

Captain Jack Sparrow by Colleen

Summer Get Together
Teri has invited the Knotty Knitters to knit together at her summer home in Kingvale. We voted to meet on Saturday, June 27. Teri will let us know if that date works for her. Irene will organize the carpool arrangement with passengers paying $5 to the driver.
Linda’s Summer Classes
A new handout was passed around with corrected dates. There is no class on June 11 for Gourd and Pine Needle Basket as indicated in last week’s handout; it will be held on June 18 instead.

Lynn’s Memory Quilt
Lynn passed around quilt blocks for each knitter to write her name and a knitting phrase. She is going to make a memory quilt with the blocks.
There was a sign up sheet to purchase raspberries from Nancy. The cost is $3 a basket (10-12 oz). She will contact us in June or July.
Top Down Pattern
Cynthia is missing page 40 from a Top Down sweater pattern she borrowed. If you have the book she copied from, please contact her. Cynthia also had Home Show tickets for anyone interested. Some tickets were for free admission and some were 2 for 1.
Have a wonderful summer. I hope to see you at the Art Walk on June 11 and at Teri's place on June 27. Happy Knitting!
Olympic Knitting Games

Saturday, May 02, 2009
Cardigans & Steeks, 11
Guess who? The lovely cardigan is knitted by Teri.

Adorable Baby Surprise Set by Louise

If you weren't in class this week, you missed Stevie Wonder!

Karen M. brought Stevie Wonder to class.

Look at the details; great job Karen!

We went over a couple of handouts this week. One was on placing zippers and the other was on fiber terminology and how to take care of wool garments. Also extra handouts that Linda had from the last three years were placed on the table for our taking; anything left was thrown out after class.
Linda taught us a great tip. If you have to “cleanse” a project and the yarn is grabby, place it in the freezer for a couple of hours. It will cleanse easily.
Next week is our last class. We will have a potluck and Olympic knitting games. Linda will bring plates and silverware. Bring a dish, your own beverage, size 8 needles, and a wrapped gift valued at $5 or less for game prizes. Participation in the games is optional, but most showed interest in the games.
Knitted Icons
Linda needed phone numbers of everyone participating in the icon challenge. She brought the book to class so we could take a look at patterns we needed. Diana is inviting all icon makers to her house on May 21 to work on the dolls. She will email the address and directions before then.
It is finished! Adam and Eve by Linda

Club Locations
A discussion took place of other locations to look into. Teri called the library and found out that we must be a nonprofit group and can only reserve space once a month. Other suggestions were First Congregational Church, First Baptist Church on Bell Rd, Gold Country Mall - 3d Floor, a studio down the street from our classroom, Indian Center on Indian Hill Rd, and The Lighthouse Church.
Yarn for the Dominican Republic
Sarah sent us an email this week asking for a favor. If you would like to donate yarn which will be sent to the Dominican Republic in May, please bring it next week. She would like to stay away from the really yucky "Red Heart" old stiff acrylic yarns that are in solid, bright colors like Fire Engine Red and Harsh neon Yellow. Other synthetics and blends are great, especially any wools, novelty yarns, soft/fuzzy variegated, textured yarns. It is exciting to be a part of an effort to help ladies earn money in this country. Please respond to Sarah with questions.
Summer Classes (added on May 3)
Linda is teaching several classes in June. All classes will be at Foresthill Divide Middle School, Room 16. Space is limited so register early. Call (530) 367-5607 or send registrations to the following address: Linda Pietz, 6555 Longridge Ct, Foresthill, CA 95631.
Gourd & Pine Needle Basket, June 8 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon or June 11 from 6 to 9 p.m. Cost $30, materials included.
Round Pine Needle Basket, June 22 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon or June 25 from 6 to 9 p.m. Cost $25, materials included.
Knit on!
Gorgeous describes Vickie's felted bag!

Beautiful needle holder by Sarah

Adorable Baby Surprise Set by Louise

If you weren't in class this week, you missed Stevie Wonder!

Karen M. brought Stevie Wonder to class.

Look at the details; great job Karen!

We went over a couple of handouts this week. One was on placing zippers and the other was on fiber terminology and how to take care of wool garments. Also extra handouts that Linda had from the last three years were placed on the table for our taking; anything left was thrown out after class.
Linda taught us a great tip. If you have to “cleanse” a project and the yarn is grabby, place it in the freezer for a couple of hours. It will cleanse easily.
Next week is our last class. We will have a potluck and Olympic knitting games. Linda will bring plates and silverware. Bring a dish, your own beverage, size 8 needles, and a wrapped gift valued at $5 or less for game prizes. Participation in the games is optional, but most showed interest in the games.
Knitted Icons
Linda needed phone numbers of everyone participating in the icon challenge. She brought the book to class so we could take a look at patterns we needed. Diana is inviting all icon makers to her house on May 21 to work on the dolls. She will email the address and directions before then.
It is finished! Adam and Eve by Linda

Club Locations
A discussion took place of other locations to look into. Teri called the library and found out that we must be a nonprofit group and can only reserve space once a month. Other suggestions were First Congregational Church, First Baptist Church on Bell Rd, Gold Country Mall - 3d Floor, a studio down the street from our classroom, Indian Center on Indian Hill Rd, and The Lighthouse Church.
Yarn for the Dominican Republic
Sarah sent us an email this week asking for a favor. If you would like to donate yarn which will be sent to the Dominican Republic in May, please bring it next week. She would like to stay away from the really yucky "Red Heart" old stiff acrylic yarns that are in solid, bright colors like Fire Engine Red and Harsh neon Yellow. Other synthetics and blends are great, especially any wools, novelty yarns, soft/fuzzy variegated, textured yarns. It is exciting to be a part of an effort to help ladies earn money in this country. Please respond to Sarah with questions.
Summer Classes (added on May 3)
Linda is teaching several classes in June. All classes will be at Foresthill Divide Middle School, Room 16. Space is limited so register early. Call (530) 367-5607 or send registrations to the following address: Linda Pietz, 6555 Longridge Ct, Foresthill, CA 95631.
Gourd & Pine Needle Basket, June 8 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon or June 11 from 6 to 9 p.m. Cost $30, materials included.
Round Pine Needle Basket, June 22 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon or June 25 from 6 to 9 p.m. Cost $25, materials included.
Knit on!
Gorgeous describes Vickie's felted bag!

Beautiful needle holder by Sarah

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