Vickie's Colorful Cardigan

Linda Pietz by Diane

Diana as Linda

Linda opening a card and gift from all of us.

It was our last class for the spring, but we had a very good time. We went over announcements, ate good food, had show n’ tell, and played Olympic Knitting Games in teams of four. The game categories were Spoon/Ball Race, Knitting Relay, Cleansing Dash, Tandem Knitting, Yarn Wrap, and Stitch in the Dark.


Club Locations to Look Into
Linda said she hasn’t heard anything more about the Fall classes, but thinks the sessions would be $60 for 6 weeks. There would be two sessions per semester making it about $120. So more places to check are the fairgrounds (good price but may need liability insurance) and EV Cain. Linda will call Auburn Recreation Department and also find out about a room at EV Cain. Our committee leaders for our Knotty Knitter Club are Linda L., Bea, Louise, and Laurie. Linda L. will send us an email this summer with club information.
Knitted Icon Workshop
Diana gave us handouts for the Icon Workshop at her house on May 21. It will start at 6:30 p.m. She also sent out an email this week with the details. If you are already done with your icon, come anyway for the fun. Linda bought several doll stands at Joanne’s for $2, and she suggested we purchase the doll stands as a group instead of individually driving down to the store.
Dolly Parton by Mary Jane

Albert Einstein by Colleen, Linda's art student

Captain Jack Sparrow by Colleen

Summer Get Together
Teri has invited the Knotty Knitters to knit together at her summer home in Kingvale. We voted to meet on Saturday, June 27. Teri will let us know if that date works for her. Irene will organize the carpool arrangement with passengers paying $5 to the driver.
Linda’s Summer Classes
A new handout was passed around with corrected dates. There is no class on June 11 for Gourd and Pine Needle Basket as indicated in last week’s handout; it will be held on June 18 instead.

Lynn’s Memory Quilt
Lynn passed around quilt blocks for each knitter to write her name and a knitting phrase. She is going to make a memory quilt with the blocks.
There was a sign up sheet to purchase raspberries from Nancy. The cost is $3 a basket (10-12 oz). She will contact us in June or July.
Top Down Pattern
Cynthia is missing page 40 from a Top Down sweater pattern she borrowed. If you have the book she copied from, please contact her. Cynthia also had Home Show tickets for anyone interested. Some tickets were for free admission and some were 2 for 1.
Have a wonderful summer. I hope to see you at the Art Walk on June 11 and at Teri's place on June 27. Happy Knitting!
Olympic Knitting Games

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