Friday, July 15, 2011

New Plan for July Gatherings

Update to yesterday's entry

On Jul 14, 2011, at 08:31 PM, Diana W wrote:
I say we designate a lunch place and time and a fair meeting spot and time and everyone is on their own to get there....carpooling with whoever you contact yourself rather than make it a group organized thing.

And for the picnic, just bring always works out.
Just my 2 cents....for what it's worth, which ain't much!
PS I would prefer to not drive this time and will kick in a few bucks if anyone can stand me in their car.

Linda L wrote:
I think Diana's ideas are great! I assume we would picnic at same park as last year: Auburn Park near Auburn-Folsom Rd (on Racetrack Rd -- at the stop sign, turn left. You will see park on the left side. Go straight back to the deadend parking lot. Turn left up the hill to the covered picnic tables.)

Also please invite any knitting friends, especially those that might be interested in our class. Bring projects for "show & tell."

Please contact one another directly since e-mails are difficult for me as I am limited to one finger typing with my left hand.

The updated list is on yesterday's blog entry below. Please take pictures for the blog and send them to Irene. Thank you.

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