Friday, September 30, 2011

Hearth & Home Wk 3

This week we started the rubber glove cuff. Linda demonstrated how to measure, cut, and start the cuff. There is an error in the pattern that was handed out. Under "Prepare Your Gloves," mark 24 dots instead of 25. Several knitters finished their market bag, and some are working on the background piece for the knit and purl pillows.

Next week Linda will show us how to cross stitch on the pillow pieces. She spent quite some time talking about the Persian yarn for the pillows. Auburn Needle Works is the only supplier of persian yarn in the Sacramento area. Lisa, the owner, is willing to cut the yarn into 8 yd lengths for this project. Two of the colors will take more than 8 yds.

Sneak Peak
A wire basket is one of the future projects. Joanne's carries various colors of wire to choose from.

Linda also mentioned that we will be making coasters out of VHS video tape.

Finger Puppets
We discussed libraries to contact for displaying the finger puppets. The Foresthill library is excited to display them soon. We agreed to split up the finger puppets since it is difficult to see so many at one time. Diana will contact the Auburn library. Linda L. will contact the Granite Bay and Rocklin libraries. Diane will contact the Loomis library.

Presidential Challenge
Linda brought several books and flash cards for ideas. About half of the presidents are already spoken for, but plenty are still left. Sign ups began this week. Linda is thinking about purchasing the yarn for the skin color yarn from our class fund for us to share. The color is Cascade 220 #8021. For more details, see last week's blog.

Don't forget about the ATCs and the Big Event next May at Lake Superior.

Show 'n Tell
This darling horse was made by Diane who shared the pattern with the class. She used scraps of yarn left by her students.

Market bags by Sandy, Vickie, Linda L, and Irene

Baby set and market bag by Louise

Projects by Pat

Socks by Cynthia

Persimmon colored market bag by Penny

Live, Laugh, Knit!

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