Saturday, September 14, 2013

Shells Wk 1

Welcome back! We have a great group, and it is so nice to see all of you.

The project for the week is the felted bracelet using cotton thread as part of the design. Linda made 18 of them for a friend who likes soft bangles.

The Fall session projects will be on shells and sweaters, two of the "S's" Linda wants to concentrate on. Here are a few samples of shrugs Linda showed us. Irene will be scanning the patterns and sending them to you by email. We will also be learning or reviewing cast ons and bind offs, so always have extra scrap yarn, needles, and a crochet hook on hand. A $5 materials fee is being collected. The other two "S's" (shrugs and skirts) will be visited in the Spring session.

Ribbed Shell
Mosaic Shell

29 Button Vest
The Challenge
Wow, a challenge!  Linda brought Skiff bags for us to make anything we can come up with. It can be sewn, embroidered, crocheted, knitted -- anything! It will get those creative juices flowing. First, take a picture of the bag before starting the project. An "after" picture will be taken by the due date, the Christmas party in December. Almost the whole class is participating!

Knitted Presidents
The knitted presidents were warmly received in Sauder Village, Ohio. Linda and her sister, Nola, were interviewed on television at Nola's studio which was carried throughout the US through USA Today. You can Google the 1-1/2 minute news clip called "Hookers Get Busy with All 44 Presidents" to view the clip. They will be on display briefly in Colfax at a historical society, then shipped to New Jersey for a grand reception at the Baron's Art Center in February. Linda would deeply appreciate it if she can have all of the presidents. She would like to find a permanent home for them as the whole set so they can be on display for years to come by the public. Please let her know privately if she can have your president(s).

Linda announced that she does not want to be host to the tea and be in charge of the supplies anymore. She asked for volunteers to take care of setting up the tea, making sure the pot is full of water, and putting it away if we still want tea this session. Karen and Linda L volunteered to help out. A sign up list may go around for weekly volunteers.

Show and Tell
Marybeth finished a darling vest and a sweater.

Toni busy knitting. Here are a few samples of her summer knitting here and below,.

Rosemary knitted the two cute ruffled girls' dresses.

Teri's crochet shrug, pattern from Hip to Knit.
Louise's construction sweater turned out great!
Sent by Cynthia
Linda bought this colorful afghan at Vintage Redeemed in Auburn.
Happy Knitting!

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