Free Form Instructions
Do you know how to make a bullion? A new word I learned last night. Linda demonstrated how to crochet a bullion which is in our handouts; it is simple even for those of us who are just learning to crochet. Some have already finished quite a few free form shapes. The purse lining pattern was available for anyone to trace into a template using a paper bag. Linda suggested a free form lending library be started next week by bringing yarn to share; this way we do not have to buy so much yarn. Noelle and Julie found a good site on u-tube on how to crochet; the website address will be posted here soon since there are so many to choose from and they found a really good one.
Linda announced that the bra challenge will be due on June 19 so there is still plenty of time.
Our sign up sheets are being turned into the Placer School for Adults office; it is not too late to sign up. The extension starts on May 1 and ends on June 26. The code numbers for the class extension are 085000 for adults over 55 and 805000 for those under 55. The fee will be $15 for adults over 55 and $30 for those under 55; this includes 7 sessions with no classes on May 8 and June 12.

Teri in her Knotty Knitters shirt; we will be wearing our cool shirts to the Yarn Tasting.
Yarn Tasting
What is this about? Fibers started the yarn tasting because they cannot figure out why some of their yarn is not selling and want knitters to try them and give them our input. There will also be needles to try and, as I remember, they have some beautiful wooden needles for sale in their shop. This event will be perfect for gathering yarn for our free form project. It was well received last month, and the 3 hours was not enough time to try out everything so she is preparing a goody bag of yarn balls for us to take home to make a beautiful small scarf. (I have always found beautiful yarn at Fibers that I have not seen at other shops.)
The $30 fee is to cover the cost of the different yarns we will be trying, and there will be yarn for us to try that they have not even taken out of storage yet. It will be held on April 27 (Sunday) from 1 to 4 p.m. We will meet in Auburn around 12:30 to carpool together (location will be announced at a later date) and pick up students from the Grass Valley area at Long’s on Combie Road. So you want to know who is going? Here is the list: Linda P, Teri, Bea, Georgia, Pat, Diana, Julie, Noelle, and Irene. I will bring some sparkling cider and cheese sticks for a tailgating party in the parking lot before or afterwards. Anyone interested? It will be an enjoyable time for us to be together on a beautiful afternoon in Grass Valley and discover new yarn for our knitting pleasure.
There is room for 8 more. Contact Teri B. as soon as possible so the owner can make preparations; money was collected Thursday evening, but it is not too late since the deadline has been moved to next Thursday. Because of the extensive prep work for Fibers, there will be no refunds but you will still be able to get the goody bag.
Knit Trips
Yarn Shop Hop. A yarn hop will be held this year sponsored by several yarn shops in the following counties: Sacramento, Placer, Nevada, and El Dorado. The dates are April 27 through May 3. A copy of the flyer will be available soon. This is a fun time to go from yarn shop to shop with friends or alone to visit the stores you have not been to before and/or to take advantage of the special sales all of them will have for this event. If you plan to visit all of the stores listed on the flyer, you can get a special “passport” to be stamped at all locations then you will be entered in a grand prize drawing.
Conference of Northern California Handweavers. Do you love yarn, color, texture, and fabric? Visit galleries and be inspired by creative one-of-a-kind handwoven, handspun, handknitted, dyed and felted originals of clothing, accessories, jewelry, rugs, baskets, household items, and art pieces. This event will be held on May 3-4 from 9 to 4 p.m. at the Double Tree Hotel (Capital City Freeway/Business 80 & Arden Way, Sacramento). There will be free demonstrations and a fabulous marketplace. Admission is $7 per day.
Oh, what fun we have. Knit on!
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