Everyone is busy finishing her vest or starting free form that there was no show ‘n tell tonight except for Linda who is almost done with her purse. She showed us how she is filling in around open spaces by putting a shape on the plastic form every so often to see how it fits. She forms a shape by casting on a few stitches and every few rows put it on the form to see how much more rows she needs to knit to cover up the space. She used slip stitch to piece the shapes together. She shared with us that free form has spurred her creativity with knitting and inspired her to take it to another level.
We watched a Knitty Gritty episode that Linda L. taped for us on free form slippers by Myra Wood. Wood demonstrated how to scrumble (fill in around free form shapes) to cover the top of a slipper, how to sew the pieces together and then how to sew it to the slipper. There was a lot of good ideas on embellishing with buttons, beads, charms, eyelash yarn, and ribbon. Learn more at myrawood.com.
Linda also brought brown lunch bags for anyone participating in the hit and miss scarf on Monday, May 12 and 19. The hit and miss scarf is a fun way to make a beautiful, one of a kind scarf. Place a yarn of your choice in the brown bag so no one can see it and bring it on May 12 along with 36” circulars with size 10.5 needles.
Tonight was the last night of the regular 12-week session. The extension starts next week, May 1, but make a note that there is no class on May 8. Class will resume on May 15.
Intermediate Class
The intermediate class was approved by Placer School for Adults starting this Fall semester on Tuesday nights.
Art Walk
Linda asked our class if we would like to participate in the Auburn Art Walk on June 12. She would like to display our “challenge.” Linda will be flying in late that evening, so Diana volunteered to be the coordinator setting up the event. The Art Walk starts at 6 p.m. and ends at 9 p.m. sharp. Please let Linda know if you have any ideas on how to display our work. We may also bring items we make to sell.
Therefore, the deadline date for the bra challenge has been moved up to June 5, so Linda can preview our handiwork before the Art Walk.
Outside the Box
Diana mentioned that we should not miss the art exhibit called “Outside the Box” that is going on. She says it is definitely worthy to see how each artist decorated a plain box. The exhibit is across from Monkey Cat.
Reminder, this coming week is also the yarn tasting and the yarn shop hop.
I forgot to wish all April knitters a Happy Birthday this month -- Happy Birthday! Have fun knitting, everyone.
1 comment:
Sorry to have missed knitting on 4/24 (I was preoccupied with adoring Da Grandbaby), but am reassured that Irene's thorough notes n' photos captured the essence of what went on in class that night.
Great info and pix, Irene!
Thank you for keeping us absentees up-to-date with class doin's.
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