Linda went over the handouts for free form and brought her yarn stash (at left) to show us the different textures and complimentary colors she will use for the project. We will need to know how to crochet so a mini lesson will be taught in class. The Tin Thimble is also willing to give crochet lessons, and Vickie showed students how to crochet during class this week. We learned that crocheting takes 25% more yarn than knitting. If you want to buy free form books, Linda recommends the ones from Prudence Mapstone that she showed us in January and February. For the April 10, bring worsted weight yarn and a crochet hook size G.
Tin Thimble Class Discount
It was announced that the Tin Thimble in Newcastle will be giving us a 10% discount from now on. Yeah! Let’s support these three yarn shops who are giving us a discount; they are listed on the left side of this blog.
Knit Trips
Yarn Shop Hop. A yarn hop will be held this year sponsored by several yarn shops in the following counties: Sacramento, Placer, Nevada, and El Dorado. The dates are April 27 through May 3. A copy of the flyer will be available soon. This is a fun time to go from yarn shop to shop with friends or alone to visit the stores you have not been to before and/or to take advantage of the special sales all of them may have for this event. If you plan to visit all of the stores listed on the flyer, you can get a special “passport” to be stamped at all locations and then you can be eligible for the grand prize drawing.
Yarn Tasting Update. Teri updated the class on the yarn tasting event. It looks like it is scheduled for May 22, a Thursday at Fibers. Linda L could not read the notes taken on this subject (hee hee), so on the next blog the information will be confirmed. Correction: The date is April 27. Bring $30 this Thursday, April 10, to class so Teri can deliver our registration fee.
A sign up sheet for the extension was passed around. The code numbers for the class extension are 085000 for adults over 55 and 805000 for those under 55. The fee will be $15 for adults over 55 and $30 for those under 55; this includes 7 sessions with no classes on May 8 and June 12.
Fall Classes
Linda is planning to have three levels of classes for the fall on different nights: beginning, intermediate, and advanced.
Thank you, Linda L and Liz, for keeping us informed. See you all Thursday.
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