The revealing of the bras was too fun and exciting. Linda wore hers which was hidden under her jacket. Unfortunately, my camera would not work at that time. I missed a really good photo opportunity to show you. There is no class next week since we will be at the Art Walk. Come out next Thursday evening between 6 and 8:30 for the art showing and wear your knitting shirt. The bras will be displayed at The Auburn Promenade, 853 Lincoln Way, I think. The map and information for the Art Walk is under "Knitting Events" on the leftside of this blog.
Donna and Sharon finished their hit and miss scarves. Both were really pretty, and I forgot to take pictures due to the excitement of the bra showing. Sorry about that.
We started winding yarn using the knitting knoddy. On the 26th, the yarn will need to be soaked for 30 minutes before class; bring the yarn wet (but not sopping wet) in a plastic bag. Soaking helps open up the fiber for dying. Onion skins are needed; please save your onion skins, either yellow or red. And, find some kind of plastic with your name on it to tie and identify your hank.
June 26 Potluck. Don’t forget to sign up.
Retro Pattern Exchange
The date of the exchange has been changed to June 19. Those who signed up need to make 12-15 copies of a 1970s or earlier knitting pattern and put each one in a sheet protector. 12 have signed up for the class, but it’s a good idea to bring extras. Last week Linda said 1980s and earlier; this week she said 1970s and earlier. I don’t think it will matter if you already have something from the 80s copied.
For the Fall Class
Yarn Labels. Start saving yarn labels for the Fall class. A lot will be needed for a project.

Linda and Her Sister's Monthly Newsletter
A new link has been added to the blog; it is Linda and her sister's, Nola, monthly newsletter: www.nolahooks.com. You will find their class schedules and Linda's designs. It is on the leftside on the blog under "Our Websites." If you have a website or blog you would like linked, let me know.
For Your Calendar
Save onion skins for dying class. Altogether 3 lbs is needed.
June 12. Art Walk, 6-9 p.m. No class. Preparation starts about 5 p.m.; tear down at 8:30 p.m. Wear knitting shirt.
June 19. Class night. Retro Pattern Exchange, 12-15 copies (12 signed up).
June 26. Last class and party. Starts 5:30 for indigo dying. Soak yarn 30 minutes prior to class and bring yarn wet. Also bring beverage and potluck dish.
July 17. Summer Pool Party & Potluck, 6 p.m., Carolyn’s house.
All summer. Save yarn labels for a Fall project.
Happy Birthday June knitters!
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