We had plenty of delicious food.

Shopping Spree Below

Although it was our last class for the spring semester, we had a festive time eating, visiting, shopping, getting free stuff, and dying yarn. It was our biggest group in several weeks. Did I mention knitting? Not much going on there. Linda brought a thank you card for the Art Walk for us to sign. She also showed us a nice booklet with hooked rug designs that have been made into playing card art; she brought a sample of the card she and her sister designed. Linda L. brought vintage trims, patterns, sewing and embroidery notions, etc., free to good homes. A thank you card and a beautiful cross pendant was presented to Linda to show our appreciation for being a fantastic instructor.

Four handouts for dying yarn were distributed. The indigo dying was fun and amazing to watch. The yarn comes out of the pot a lime green color and within minutes turns deep blue from oxidation. It is a beautiful color. The red onion skins were used to make a soft, pale brown color. Linda talked about the rinsing of the yarn. It has to be rinsed and soaked with a little vinegar with water for 30 minutes to counter-act the alkaline effects on the wool; rinse several times until the blue is all out. The leftover dye from the pot can be stored in containers for another time.
Summer Challenge
So for our summer challenge, Linda would like us to come up with something fantastic with the yarn we dyed. The yarn can be used in combination with other yarn. Bring your finished challenge to class during the Fall semester for show n’ tell. Are you up to the challenge?

Summer Help
Linda is making herself available by phone to anyone needing help on her vest. If you are stumped and don’t know what to do to complete your vest, feel free to call Linda this summer.
Good News
Our bras have been accepted to be displayed at the California State Fair! Thank you to Diana for the work she did getting us entered into this statewide event in a short amount of time.
Julie will look into getting the bras displayed at the Gold Country Fair. Regarding the vintage pattern exchange, Julie pointed out that patterns made before 1965 were sized differently. A size 12 pattern then is now our size 8.
Linda asked again if we would be interested in shipping our bras for a display in St. Louis since the shop owner has a lot of connections and the idea might spread across the states.
July Pool Party
Look for Carolyn’s email about the potluck and directions to her house this summer. It is a good time to knit, visit, cool off in her pool, and relax in the jacuzzi.
Linda asked if we would like to meet in August at her house in Foresthill. This is a possibility if there is enough interest.
For Your Calendar
July 17. Summer Pool Party & Potluck, 6 p.m., Carolyn’s house.
August. Possible party at Linda’s house.
All summer. Send photos to me on your summer projects for this blog and save yarn labels for the Fall project.
This blog will be updated once a week throughout the summer so email me at ibergh@sbcglobal.net about your latest projects or you'll only see things from me. My plan is to finish all of my UFOs; there are only a few left. Have a cool summer and a wonderful vacation. I will miss you all and hope to see you at the July potluck. Knit on!
1 comment:
So glad to read about what is going on. Having a good story and enjoying our vacation. Maybe we will have that new kayak by the time we head back. Yes, I am interested in going over to Linda's in August. Sounds like I missed a really good party for the last night. I'll see you when I get back.
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