It was a nice evening; we spent some time reporting on the Art Walk which was a big hit. Torsos were brought back for us to take home. Linda met an owner of a high end fashion studio, Design House, in St. Louis who would like to display the bras in her studio window; Linda asked us how we felt about it.
Linda gave a brief history on natural dyes. She brought natural dyes made from dried flowers for yellow and beetles from Mexico for red. She also had several show ‘n tells: skifs from Design House (knitted sweaters) that the owner designed, Indian weaving, and a Carol Leigh pamphlet about natural dyes and the cost. Although a few students were missing, the retro patterns were exchanged; those of you who were absent, please bring patterns next week.
Students continued winding yarn using the knitting knoddy for next week’s class. In fact, next week is our last class. It will start early at 5:30 p.m. Linda will arrive around 5 p.m. to prepare. Besides indigo and onion dying, she will also bring a walnut dye.
For the June 26th class, the yarn will need to be soaked for 30 minutes before class; bring the yarn wet (but not sopping wet) in a plastic bag or container that you don't mind getting stained. Add a plastic tag to identify your hank. Wear old clothes because the dye will stain and not come out. Onion skins are still needed; please save your onion skins, either yellow or red. It is also potluck and student market night. If you have anything you have made that you would like to sell, please bring them. Linda will bring knitting bags that she made to sell.
Fashion Yard Sale
Diane’s daughter is having a Fashion Yard Sale this Fri, Sat, and Sun (June 20-22) from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. She owns Secondhand Chic from her home at 6345 Arcadia Avenue in Loomis. Most items are new or like new at inexpensive prices. Her website is Directions from Auburn: I-80 W towards Sacramento, exit Loomis/Horseshoe Bar Rd, Right on Taylor Rd, Left on King Rd, Right on Arcadia Ave; follow pink garage sale signs.
Teddy Bear Project
If you are making a teddy bear for Africa, Vickie will be collecting them to ship to Africa. The deadline has been set for July 17 at Carolyn's potluck. Contact Vickie if you need to make other arrangements before then.
For Your Calendar
June 26. Last Class, Party, and Student Market. Starts 5:30 for indigo dying. Bring wet yarn, container for yarn, plastic tag, beverage, potluck dish, any hand craft items to sale (optional), onion skins if you have any. Wear old clothes. Some students have been assigned to bring pots, burners, etc.
July 17. Summer Pool Party & Potluck, 6 p.m., Carolyn’s house in Auburn.
All summer. Save yarn labels for a Fall project.
Hope I’m not forgetting anything. See you next week.
I missed class last night so this blog is a wonderful recap! Thank you Irene for all the time I know you spend keeping us informed. See you next week! Diana
You are welcome, Diana. We missed you too.
great capturing of the happenings of the class. helps me keeping up to date.
Liz, many were absent so I'm glad it helps. I know some are logging on to keep up with the notes.
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