Pat made a gorgeous beaded scarf using two rows of the pattern given to us.

Sandy finished her third plorn bag.

Vickie finished two plorn bags (one is made with less than 1 skein of Bernat cotton yarn using sz 15 needles) and the "twirly" scarf.

Diana knitted a market bag using two different skeins of yarn together; it is very stretchy.

Teri finished the shrug! It is very nice, and she says it is comfortable. The back has little fringes across.

Louise will be ordering the following DVDs: The 58 state socks and Teaching Yourself Visually to Knit.
Linda plans to teach the following classes this year:
Recycled Cordage (rope by hand). Please save any bread, paper roll, and/or toilet paper wrappers for Linda.
Quilt basket.
Crochet purse using soda pull tabs. Start saving soda tabs.
State Flower Challenge
The class on Apr 22 will be dedicated as "flower night" for us to work on the state flower challenge in class. The deadline has been moved up since the state fair starts earlier this year. Diana will be filling out the application for us in the "craft" division which is due on Apr 16. Our drop off date is May 14-15. Vickie will be in charge of the name tags for each piece. We will not be entering the Art Walk in June because of the date conflict with the state fair, so we will showcase the flowers at the Art Walk in August. Linda is begging and pleading for all the flowers to be taken; a few are still left.
Moebius Project
Two handouts were given to us: Moebius cast on and a simple Moebius scarf pattern. Linda demonstrated the cast on as we watched and practiced.
Tip: Change to a larger needle size when binding off so it doesn't look tight.
We will continue with the Moebius project next week.
The Moebius home position for cast on (sort of -- it is hard to get a stationary photo.)

Linda finished a wedding garter for her future daughter-in-law. Her son has not proposed yet, but Linda has already bought her dress for the wedding. The proposal will take place in the near future. It was nice to have her daughter visit the class this week.

Diane knitted a very soft scarf from mohair.

Gloria felted this cute purse using a button she ordered from Leslie.

Gloria also knitted this darling bunny sweater from Knit Simple. She ordered cute polka dot buttons in pink and purple to match from Leslie.

Leslie's friend at the Farmer's Market makes and sells these yarn holders for $30. It is beautiful.

Happy Knitting!
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