Hi. This past week, it was nice to hear from Diana who kept in touch with all of us by sending an email regarding yarn bombing, the Summer Knit Together, and the 2010 Challenge.
Yarn BombingYarn bomb somewhere in Auburn. Let her know if you are interested.
The Summer Knit TogetherTuesday, Jul 20, at the park near Racetrack Rd in Auburn, 6 pm at the picnic tables for a potluck and knitting. Everyone is welcome!
2010 ChallengeOur challenge, "The Flowers of our 50 States," was entered in the California State Fair (Cal Expo). "We earned a 2nd place ribbon ($60) AND received a special award ($100) from the Camellia City Stockinettes Sacramento Knitting Guild!" It will be displayed in the Creative Arts building. "Please note: the State Fair is running earlier than usual this year, Weds 7/14 through Sunday 8/1.
When the fair is over, we will display our flowers again in the Auburn Art Walk Thursday August 12, 2010 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM. We plan to then enter the flowers in the Gold Country Fair after that."
World Wide Knit In Public DayIn the last blog, Teri mentioned in the Comment section that she was planning to go to this event. So, Teri and I went to the WWKIPD at the Lake Tahoe Yarn Company in Truckee this past Saturday. It was a small turnout, but we had a good opportunity to talk with the owner and two other knitters from Reno and see the new shop. The yarn shop at its new location is really nice. She carries a lot of great items: beautiful yarn, roving, kits, notions, and cute gifts. It is very close to the Safeway store in Truckee, which is the best place to park if you would like to visit. The website for the yarn shop is http://www.laketahoeyarncompany.com.

By the way, the owner of Lake Tahoe Yarn Co in Truckee mentioned sending packages of goodies to the troops in Afghanistan through a soldier she is related to. Some of the items on her list were knitted hats/scarves, tea, candy, cocoa, crossword/sudoku books, and (sigh) I forgot the rest...
Have a nice summer. From a card I saw: Peace, Love, Knit