Show n' Tell
Linda L completed her lovely plarn bag.

Diane wanted to show us the huge size of her modular purse before felting.

Andrea is almost finished with her beautful adult surprise jacket.

Vickie's cute modular purse. She used Fisherman's Wool and put a crease on the sides for a new look.

Vickie also completed this awesome hit n' miss blanket that she crocheted.

Karen made this lovely sweater. She explained that the yarn in the middle was purchased later, and it is the same dye lot as the rest. However, it turned out to be a totally different color and yet, she decided to keep it since it works well with the design.

Karen also knitted this pair of socks that matches the sweater above.

Teri showed us her modular sweater made with sock yarn that she is knitting. It is colorful and fun to look at. She figured out how to make it longer than the pattern by adding an extra row at the shoulders. I should have taken a picture. Sorry, if you were not there to see it.
Our Second Place Ribbon from the State Fair

Linda took pictures of the display at Cal Expo. Here is one. The August Art Walk will be Aug 12. We discussed where to display the flowers; Linda will ask Creative Urges first. We will need Knotty Knitters to volunteer to watch the flowers and answer questions at the Art Walk. Diana will send us an email later. By the way, Diana, I have your blue water bottle.

Karen M took the pictures below at the state fair. The flowers are in a glass case.

Celebrity Dolls
Please keep your celebrity dolls from last year's challenge. We will enter them in next year's state fair in the Creative Arts category.
Hand Stand
Linda found this hand stand this summer and asked us if we would like to purchase the stands to use for next year's finger puppets project. The hand prop is $10 each. No one opposed the idea. She will talk with Louise, our treasurer, about it.

Color Techniques in Knitting Materials List
The materials list for the next class can be found on the left hand column of this blog under "Pages." A couple of details were added since last week regarding the needles. Linda would not give away any details regarding the dice. It will be a surprise. Linda L, you will just have to wait to find out. :)
Eat, Drink, Knit!
Hey Guys,
I went on Flying Fingers yarn shop website and found it to be very interesting. I had seen it advertised but never went to the site. You've got to check it out. They have a yarn bus that picks you up and takes you home. They also have a natural gas commercial on their blog page you have to see.
Thanks for the nice pictures and write up on our potluck, Irene.
Teri, Thank you for your comment. It is nice to hear from you. I will check out FFYS right away. P.S. I finished the shawl. Irene
Hey Irene,
Can't wait to see it finished, bet it's beautiful. The yarn was perfect for a shawl. You have inspired me to make one. I am still working on my mitered sweater. And plan to work on it on the plane on my way to Chicago. See you Thursday at the Art Walk?
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